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Lizzie: omg bubs I'm so proud of you!❤️
Me: ❤️
Lizzie: love you😘❤️
Me: love you too❤️🥰

I sat down in the music studio and started writing music, I have so many ideas!

After a while I had written 3 songs. I think their going to be really good!

Y/n songs:

Story of my life - 1D

If the world was ending- Jp saxe and Julia Michaels

Positions - Ariana grande

Lizzie: when you coming home today?❤️
Me: on my way now🚗❤️
Lizzie: want to order food?❤️
Me: yeah, you call?❤️
Lizzie: yes but only if you pick it up😘😉
Me: okkaaayyy❤️❤️

I picked up the food and drove home to Lizzie, she had found a movie to watch and she placed like a 10000 candles. It's was really romantic 'I'm so proud of you y/n' Lizzie said 'I'm so glad I have you, I wouldn't be here if I didn't have you' I said kissing her. 'I need to tell you something y/n' Lizzie said a little sad. 'What?' I said nervously 'I-I'm moving to LA' she said. 'Wait what?!' 'I know your mad but I got this really good offer there, this is a breakthrough for my career!' Lizzie said cupping my cheeks. 'S-so your moving?' I asked crying. 'Yes and I'm so sorry! But we'll make it work!' Lizzie said crying, 'when are you leaving?' I asked looking her in the eyes '3 days' she said quiet. '3 days are you serious?!' I asked, I'm so mad right now why didn't she tell me?!
'I'm so sorry y/n but I need to take this opportunity!' Lizzie said standing up from the couch. 'We'll make it work' I said when I calmed down. Lizzie sat down again I put on the movie and we just cuddled all night, what Am I going to do when she moves?!
3 days has been im at the airport saying goodbye to Lizzie. 'I love you so much' I said to her, 'I love you too, il call you when have arrived okay?' 'Yeah' I responded giving her a kiss. 'BYE!' I yelled when she walked. When I turned around to walk to my car I started crying, god I'm going to miss her!

Lizzie POV:

When I sat in the cab in my way to my new apartment I called y/n, god I miss them already. 'Hey bubs' I heard the voice of y/n 'you okay' they asked me. 'Y-yeah just miss you' I said my voice cracked and I started crying. 'Princess don't cry. I miss you too, but I'm going to visit you soon!' Y/n said crying too. 'I'm at my new apartment now, Talk later?' I asked 'of course!' Y/n said.

 'I'm at my new apartment now, Talk later?' I asked 'of course!' Y/n said

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I packed my stuff out and saw a note y/n had written

I packed my stuff out and saw a note y/n had written

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I laughed and got ready for bed.


Bubs: good night Lizzie❤️
Me: goodnight baby❤️

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