Just go! - 5

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'You wake up with a huge head ache'
Y/n: ugh, babe?
'Lizzie turns around'
Lizzie: yes bubs?
'She says with her voice low'
Y/n: why is it so much light in here?!
' lizzie laughs'
Lizzie: I love you y/n
Y/n: I love you to Lizzie

Time skip:
Y/n: Good morning Robby
Rdj: how many times have I told you not to call me that
'You laugh'
Y/n: just a million times!
'He laughs'
Lizzie: Good morning Robert!
Rdj: see y/n someone respect my name! Oh and good morning Lizzie
'She kisses you and grabs a cup of coffee'
Lizzie: sooooo what do you want to do today bubs?!
'She looks so happy, you start to blush because of her smile on her face'
Y/n: I think you know what I wanna do
'You say with a smirk'
Lizzie: bubs we can do that later when we get home, I want to take you somewhere!
Rdj: sounds fun when are we going to meet?
'He says in a way that makes you laugh'
Y/n: sorry Robby your not invited!
'The three of you laugh'
Lizzie: sooo robby?!
'Robert looks at her with a red face'
Rdj: forget what I said you don't respect my name!
'You laugh'
Y/n: no one does!
'He hits you in your arm'
Y/n: ow, bitch!
Rdj: I'm not a bitch you are!
'You two laugh'
Lizzie: do you wanna go now y/n?
Y/n: yeah sure!
Rdj: bye!
'You smile and start walking out the kitchen'
Y/n and Lizzie: bye Robby!
Lizzie: first stop, my car

Time skip:Y/n: Good morning RobbyRdj: how many times have I told you not to call me that'You laugh'Y/n: just a million times!'He laughs'Lizzie: Good morning Robert!Rdj: see y/n someone respect my name! Oh and good morning Lizzie 'She kisses you an...

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Lizzie In the car:
Y/n: so where are you taking me?
Lizzie: somewhere I always used to go to when I was a kid
Y/n: Yay! Im guessing it's a fun place!
'She laughs'
Y/n: is it a playground? A carnival?! I CANT WAIT!!!
Lizzie: your cute when your childish
Y/n: I know

'You receive a text from Scarlett'

Scarlett: where are you bitch?!
Y/n: I'm in Lizzie's car
Scarlett: why?!
Y/n: we are on a date smart as
Scarlett: oh okay, where are you going?
Y/n: I really don't know, I'm being kidnapped
Scarlett: that's nice, wanna hang out after your date?:)
Y/n: yeah sure!:)
Scarlett: okay see you later<3:)
Lizzie: we are here!
'You see a big playground'
'You run to a carousel and laugh'
Lizzie: y/n your such a dork!<3
Y/n: oh believe me, I know that;)

Time skip:
'Lizzie drove you home after your date'


Y/n: I'm back from my date know!
Scarlett: wanna come to my place?
Y/n: sure I'm coming now!
'You knock at scarletts door'
Y/n: oOoppppeen the doooorrr bitch!
Scarlett: well hello to you to!
'She hugs you'
Y/n: hi scar
Scarlett: hi dumbass
'After a while of talking a lots of crap she looks at you with a sad look'
Scar: so you and Lizzie is starting to get serious?
Y/n: yeah, it's great and everything is just like sooo perfect!
'She looks sad but hides it with a small smile'
Scar: good.
'She looks deep in your eyes'
Y/n: is something wrong?
Scar: I need to talk to you.
Y/n: yeah sure what's up?
Scar: I'm in love with you and I can't hide it any longer! I tried to move on but it's impossible! I need you, I need you in a way I know I'm never going to get you!'
Y/n: what?! You in love with me?.....
Scar: yes and I get it if you want to leave but I couldn't hold it inside.
Y/n: I'm not going to leave. I love you, but like a friend I'm dating Lizzie and I love her. Your my best friend and the last thing I want to do is to hurt you, but I can't be with you I'm with Lizzie'
Scar: I know I just needed you to know, I'm sorry'
'She starts crying, you hug her'
Y/n: it's fine. You can't decide how you feel! Shh it's okay baby'
Scar: no it's not I have ruined everything!
'You hold her close to you'
Y/n: shhhh
'She cries for maybe 10 minutes'
Scar: I'm sorry y/n
Y/n: sorry for what?
Scar: this
'She kisses you, but you didn't pull away you wanted to but you didn't. You always had a crush on Scarlett, since you filmed the falcon winter soldier with her'
'She pulls away running to her bathroom, you run after her'
Scar: Omg y/n I'm so sorry!!!
'You try to go inside the bathroom but she locked the door'
Y/n: scar please let me in!
Scar: I'm sorry!
'You can hear her have a breakdown'
Y/n: it's fine it's my fault okay, just let me in so we can talk!
Scar: just go y/n
Y/n: no just let me in!
Scar: NO JUST GO YN! GO! Go! GO!
Y/n: open the door and look me in my eyes and tell me you want me to go..
'She opens the door, her eyes are red'
Scar: just go y/n.. 'she says looking away from you'
Y/n: okay then
'You go to your car, you can see her thru the window. She's crying and she looks broken'
Y/n: y/n what have you done?!

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