Damn it

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Me And scar have been spending much time together, we have watched movies, had picnics, and just cuddling. I'm on my way to her house, we are going to the endgame premiere. 'Are you exited?' Scar asked. 'Yes and no, I don't want to meet Elizabeth' I said getting a little nervous.
'It's going to be okay' scar said taking my hand.

When we arrived people started cheering at us, I looked around and saw Rdj, Chris hemsworth, and Chris evans. 'Y/n come over here!' A reporter said, I walked over to him. 'So are you and Scarlett dating now?' He asked. 'No' I said 'are you going to date?' 'I don't know'
'Is it true that you and Elizabeth Olsen had a relationship?' The reporter asked, I freezed a little. 'What?' I said. 'You and Lizzie?' He asked again. 'No we are just friends' I said trying to laugh it off.
I looked to my left and saw Lizzie with Paul. Wow she looked gorgeous, stop it y/n!

She looked over to me, I gave her a little smile

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She looked over to me, I gave her a little smile.
She smiled back, but the smile wasn't the Lizzie smile. It was a I don't want to talk to you smile, I understand that she is mad but she started dating Paul before I kissed Scarlett.

I walked over to Chris hemsworth. 'BESTIE!' I screamed while jumping on him. 'y/n!!!' He said catching me. 'Having fun?' He asked, 'no, Liz Is here' I whispered. 'Isn't she dating Paul?' He asked, 'yup' 'I still ship you guys tho' he said. '

Rdj walked over to us 'I'm back bitches' Rdj said

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Rdj walked over to us 'I'm back bitches' Rdj said. We always tease Chris with that.
'You guys are never going to forget that are you?' Chris asked. 'Never' we said at the same time. 'Y/n?' I heard a voice behind me. It was the most beautiful voice in the world, I turned around and saw Lizzie. 'Yeah?' I said trying not to show how she affected me. 'Can we talk?' She asked. 'Now?' I asked looking around. 'I-If you want to' Liz said nervous, 'what if we talk when the after party starts?' I said giving her a smile. 'Yeah that would be great' she said giving a smile back, this time it was a real Liz smile.

——————————————————After party:Me and scar walked to the party together, she talked to me but All I could think about was Liz

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After party:
Me and scar walked to the party together, she talked to me but All I could think about was Liz. Me and scar hasn't really kissed or anything after the red carpet kiss a couple of days ago, Liz looked so good today. God she can make me so soft, I wish I still was with her! Anyway that's to late now she with Paul. 'Y/n I got something to say' scar said 'okay' 'I think we should just be friends' scar said she seemed a little nervous. 'THANK GOD! I thought about the same thing!' I said pretty relived. 'So we are just friends' scar said smiling, 'yeah just friends' I said smiling back.

We walked inside the party house and talked to a lot of people, I then saw Liz walk in the door without Paul. I walked over to her, 'you look Beautiful tonight' I said smiling. 'I can say the same thing' Liz said smiling. 'So where's paul?' I asked in a normal way, 'y/n we need to talk' Liz said dragging me upstairs to a room. I sat down on the bed, 'sooo?' I said trying to get her to talk. 'Me and Paul isn't dating, we just kissed one time' Liz said. 'I'm not dating scar, I think we just needed to find out our feelings. I don't love her like I love you' I realised what I just said and regretted it, what if she doesn't love me back. 'I don't know what to say' Liz said. I should just be honest with her 'I love Lizzie, you are the motor inside my heart and your the one I want to wake up with' I said and Lizzie looked down and cried.

 I should just be honest with her 'I love Lizzie, you are the motor inside my heart and your the one I want to wake up with' I said and Lizzie looked down and cried

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'Y/n... I love you, but I think we shouldn't be together' Lizzie said. My heart broke in a million pieces, I looked down trying to him back my tears. 'Y/n say something' 'okay, let's act like we don't know each other' I said, I was mad without a reason. 'That's not what I meant, we can still be friends' liz said trying to take my hand. 'No Elizabeth, I can't be your friend I need to have you in my life but if I need to see you move on and make a family on your own without me I would die. I want to be able to just be friends but I can't' I said trying to walk out the door 'y/n stop!' Liz said trying to stop me. 'I'm sorry Liz' I said walking out the door, I walked down the stairs and Liz followed me. 'Can you just stop walking y/n?' Liz yelled after me, I just walked to my limo. 'Take me home' I said to the driver, lizzie knocked on the limo window. 'Y/n! Please!' She yelled.

When I arrived at my house I sat down on my bed crying, 'WHY AM I SO STUPID!' I yelled. I started punching myself, after a few really hard punches I looked myself in the mirror. I had a black eye and my lip bled, damn it! I cleaned up and went to bed to sleep.

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