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Its been a few days since Lizzie moved, I went outside with my suitcase and sat down in the cab. 'The airport'

When I arrived to the airport I sat down waiting for my plane to arrive, 'y/n is that you?' I heard a familiar voice, I looked up and saw Taylor. 'TAYLOR!' I jumped up and gave her a hug, 'Omg I've missed you so much' Taylor said. 'I've missed you too' I said still hugging her, me and Taylor has been friends since we where kids. We even lived together as adults 'y/n I have to tell you something' she said 'what?' I pulled away from the hug. 'We need to do a duet!' She said excited 'yessss!' I screamed, I checked the clock shit I'm almost late! 'I'll call you!' I said hurrying. 'BYE y/!' Taylor yelled laughing.

After a very uncomfortable flight I arrived to LA, I'm going to surprise Lizzie she doesn't know that I'm here. I ordered a cab and went over to lizzies apartment, I ran upstairs to the door I knocked on the door. She opened and gave me the biggest smile 'y/n!' She said jumping in my arms, 'surprise!' I said laughing and kissing her cheek a thousand times. 'I love you' 'I love you too'
Me and lizzie walked down a nice street, I went in a flower shop to buy Lizzie her favourite flowers. I walked inside the store and a big guy stood in front of me, 'your that dude that's dating Elizabeth Olsen right?' He said. 'No comment sorry' I said trying to move on 'she's hot' he said. 'Yeah I guess' I responded 'I would like to fuck her' he said, god what's up with this dude?!
'Don't talk about her like that' I said picking up the flower. 'Why are you going to beat the shit outa me?' He said. A couple of girls walked towards us they started recording, I tried to walk outside the door but he grabbed a hold of me 'let. Me. Go.' I said giving him a death stare, Lizzie walked in the store. 'What's going on here' she asked 'can I fuck you?' The guy asked, 'no' Lizzie said. He started to take her arm, I pushed him away. He stumbled a little then he started punching me, ouch....

 He stumbled a little then he started punching me, ouch

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'You dirty pig!' Lizzie yelled to the man. 'I take that as a no then' the man said walking out. Lizzie sat down next me 'oh bubs! Your lips are all bruised up!' Lizzie said kissing my forehead, we kinda forgot about the to girls
'Are you too dating?' One of the girls asked 'yes' Lizzie said smiling, both of the girls jumped up and down exited 'we totally ship you guys!' The other girl said. I started laughing while Lizzie were trying to dry the blood on my lips away.

Me and Lizzie gave the girls our autograph and then we walked home to Lizzie, 'can you move to LA with me?' Lizzie asked. I really want to live with her but not in LA.. 'I can't' I said 'why?' She asked 'I gotta be home in New York to help my mom' I said getting a little sad at the thought of my sick mom 'I get it but I miss you so much' Lizzie said sadly 'I miss you to but I need to be in new York' I said. After a while with a silence we sat down in her couch and watched avengers endgame, don't ask.

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