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It was Alice's performance on 'All Star Musicals' that evening and she was so worried about it. Mason was originally going to come and watch it but she knew that was never going to happen, he was probably already in bed with some random girl by now, she thought to herself.

Alice's speculations couldn't be further from the truth as Mason was currently in his car on his way to watch Alice. He had spent all day baking a cake which he wrote on the top in icing "I'M SORRY, I'M SHIT". He was so nervous she was going to laugh in his face and never want to speak to him again, it was worth the risk to see her again however.

"Thought I was too smart for this, not a sucker for a kiss", a lump in Alice's throat rose as she sang the lyrics. She couldn't let herself cry as her voice would be ruined, but she kept thinking of Mason and how she really meant every word she was saying. She held out until the final chorus with the words "I know I have a heart because you broke it" leaving her mouth as tears fell down her face and her voice trailed off as she just about finished the song. As soon as she left the stage she was sobbing uncontrollably. Mason, who had watched from the audience, had been feeling emotional the whole time as he knew the girl wasn't acting. When he saw Alice break down at the end of the song, he also allowed the tears to fall down his face. He knew he had to find her.

"Excuse me, how can I get backstage?" Mason desperately asked one of the stage managers who was in the audience.

"Who are you?" the man replied,

"Look I really need to speak to Alice Adams, I'm umm, I'm her boyfriend." He said hesitantly as he wasn't entirely sure if he was anymore.

"Through this door and to the left, oh and excellent season this year may I add."

"Thanks." The boy mustered up a smile but his head was nowhere near this conversation. His eyes were still burning from the tears he had let out earlier as he knocked on the door, a small voice told him that he could come in.

Alice assumed it was some of the stage team telling her to come outside and do some photographs. She had to double take.

"Mason?" She wiped her eyes as she saw the boy standing just a few feet away from him. She could tell that he had been crying and she wondered if he had just seen her hot mess of a performance on stage.

"I'm a dickhead, I know. I understand if you never want to speak to me again. I was so stupid letting football get in between us like that because honestly, you mean more to me than football at this point. I love you Alice. Oh and I made you this," he took the cake out of his bag and placed it on the table. "I'm really sorry, and I promise it won't happen again."Alice let out a small chuckle as she read the cake before looking back into his big brown eyes which were full of emotion.

"I love you Mase." The girl was crying again, however this time not out of sadness, but rather relief which washed over her as she felt his warm embrace once again.

"I'll never let you go, beautiful."

The Show Must Go On [Mason Mount]Where stories live. Discover now