Chapter 6-Three Amici(friends)

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Gianna P.O.V:

Ever since that thing happened with his family congratulating us on being together and us getting to know each other better he has been doing so many nice things for me. Like right now he is on his way to pick me up. I quickly put on a cute lazy day outfit that consist taupe flow shirt with a creme scarf, ripped jeans, and combat boots along with some accessories. I fly down the stairs saying good bye to family only to be called back bye my dad. "What is this Gianna Zariah Ashford?", my dad yelled while holding up a magazine article that had me and Nikolai on. Shit he used my full name i'm in trouble which is rare. "That was me hanging out with my really close new friend.", I stated. He looked even more furious now the lecture begins,"Why aren't you with Xander anymore he's a good boy who won't drag you down with him? Gianna i don't know what has gotten into you ,but it needs to stop you are jeopardizing your future. I'll let you live this out ,but at the end of the day know you'll have to marry Xander or a rich smart kid." with that he left the room. Now I am pissed so I roar," I'm doing something that I want for the first time in forever that isn't what you want but what I want. And I know you hate me for it but I could really give two shits about it. All my life i've been good so what do I have to lose? I just want to explore me dammit. "

I run to ar when I here him pull in and I practially jump on him attacking him with kisses doing things to get him moan since I know my dad is watching. Serves him right. We both get in the car after the little show got a little to heated. "My dad saw pics of us Nikki, and was very upset saying you would bring me down.", I cried. He looked conflicted on what to do so he simply said while wiping my tears,"I see that I will have to prove him wrong.And the reason he says I will bring you down is because my family and I do some dirty bussiness but don't worry your pretty head about it ok." I noded my head because somehow those words made me feel good.


We went our separate ways then all of a sudden I run into a broad chest good smelling Cologne. It's Xander."What are you doing here?", I ordered waiting for aw he looked taken back. He responded,"Looking for you so we can talk about what happened." I just went along with him let him lead me to our place. "Look I liked you I really did but even you knew their were no sparks in between us . It was forced and with me being bi it just put alot more pressure on me to do even more stupid things. My parents would disown me if I came out. You were my first everything Gianna and I hope you know that means you have a special place in my heart. It hurt me to see you hurt ,but I think you have found something special. Wanna be friends?" I was teary eyed by the end and just flung myself onto him hugging him with all my might . "I love you Xander you'll always be my past love.But now I have Nikolai ." We turned around only to find Leo and Gio glaring daggers at him while approaching us.

"Come on Gianna don't want to be late for Calculus. Say bye to him." , Leo grunted. They practically carried me back to Calc. They interrogated me the entire class not allowing me to do my work unless I responded. "We were talking that is it ok nothing happened nor will ever happen again. He was just coming to bury the hatchet. And when I said I love you he knows what I meant. That I will always have him in my heart. However, a big part is devoted to Nikolai but it feels like he is hiding something from me and I hate lies. Also give Amalia the day off and tell her to come by my place. " They look at me with admiration I hear Gio murmur, "Your gonna be a great Donna." They kiss my cheek and both bid their goodbyes.

I'm walking to class when all of a sudden i'm pulled into a closet. I let out a small shriek fearing the worst would happen . "It's just me Nikolai G! I heard what happened today with Xander the hugging and saying I love you.", he breathes on my neck. I can't help but moan."I also know that you implied you love me way more. Thats good to know becasue your mine no one elses to play with. I will make you feel amazing when we are together. So now lets become more than friends." I smile at his dominance and how he sees us having a future together. To get him back I start kissing his chest moving lower and lower. To clear this i'm not a professional I just have experience which was once with Xander lord knows he couldn't keep up. I stop right before I get to his manhood and walk out the door leaving him with his huge problem.


I end up having Vera come over so she can meet Amalia. Once we make it home we start doing our usual thing. "So how are you and Gabrielle ?" She smiles and blushes before aadmitted ,"We are great he is like the sweetest guy on Earth. Last weekend I went and visited his family they were all so happy except for his ex who looks like a fricking model. However, his mom likes me alot better though since i'm not a size 0 wannabe.But the real question is how are you and Nikolai doing." I'm still giggling from her explanation ,"Nikolai and I are great he is amazing he just has some skeletons in the closet , but I am really falling for him. And same here with the family they loved me and kept on saying congratulations on our new found love. However , I won't say I love you first. Hey I'm gonna go check on Kalani and Wren." I go upstairs only to find Wren sprawled out with baby Kalani awake and on his chest.

"Hey Wre. i'm gonna take Kalani downstairs to feed her.", I whisper. As soon as I make it downstairs the doorbell rings. I open it to find Amalia standing their dressed so cute with a confused face. "Hey Amalia this is Kalani my big brothers daughter. Say hi Kalani. Come in." , I greet. She hesitantly steps in ,"Nikolai told me that you requested I have a day off to come talk and chat." "Yes, I did I wanted you to meet my friend Vera or V. I think y'all would get along just great " I introduce her. Vera gets up and hugs her while complementing her,"OMG I love your outfit. You will have to tell me where you got it." Amalia just blushes,"Thank you. By the way your holding the baby wrong. Let me see the little caramello goccia(caramel drop)." she grinned. Next thing you know Wren comes barraleing down the stairs looking for her. We all pause to look at him.

"Hi you must be Wren i'm Amalia. I was just teaching your sister how to hold a baby and feed her if you don't mind." , she says in a soft voice. He visibly relaxes you can tell he is checking her out big time that is why she is blushing so much. "Well hi Amalia can you teach me privately how to hold her and feed her." I jump in ,"Oh no you don't. Amalia come upstairs with me for some girl talk." She is still mezmerized by him sh grinned,"I'll teach him real quick then I'll go upstrairs with you guys." Vera and I nod then head up the stairs. "He's gonna do it again you know he's turned into a bigger man-whore now thanks to Kalani's mom leaving him." , I whisper to her she nods knowingly.

Amalia's P.O.V:

"Ok so make sure you are holding her neck and supporting her body while holding her close to her chest. Like this you can also put her by your shoulder and neck to really comfort her. And baby's love to be in motion when their fussy. Okay you try it." , I explained while handing her to him. He has the most beautiful eyes and skin color. Papa would love him and so would mama. "So how do you know so much about babies.", he ask. "Sweetheart as a maid you deal with children all the time. Where is her mom? She should be doing this.", I explain again. He looks in deep thought before responding ,"Me and her were dating and with that comes with sex. However, I was faithful while she went around cheating on me with my teammates then she got pregnant by me supposedly and left me with this bundle of joy right here. Would you like to go on a date?" he asked after the big story he just told.

"I think you already have enough on your plate Wren, but you do look like you need a female figure in your daughters life. So here's my cellphone call me when you need me. And I suggest keep the amount of random girls to a minimum.", I order him. As I get up to leave he grabs my arm softly and says,"As you can say I need you right now ,so I'm going to say we need to do something Friday thats just you and me. I'm not taking no for a answer. I really think there is something between us and I want to explore it." With that I kiss him on both cheeks close t o his lips and run upstairs like a little school girl.

Gianna's P.O.V:

Amalia comes in panting hard and blushing like crazy. Figures he's always had that effect on girls. "So Malia. why is your lipstick smudged?" , I say all serious. She try's to answer but nothing comes out. We all just bust out laughing and that's how most of the night went.

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