Chapter 16- Making Deals With the Devil

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Gianna's P.O.V:

The other night went perfect! So now I have exactly 3 escorts that work directly under me. You may be questioning why I did this , but it is simple I need entertainment for when i'm bored. I mean I have suspicions that Marcello isn't as faithful as I thought, but who cares I now have my own 3 to mess with. But back to current event, tonight I'm being sworn in for the second time and hopefully my last.

Right now i'm currently getting ready with Luciano to go meet Darcy and Troy about some trafficking business. I'm trying to get on my body con black dress with see through parts when I get to the zipper and its to high so I call out for Luc.,"Could you zip me up my love?" At first he doesn't come and just stares at me but reluctantly he walks over to help me."Shouldn't your boyfriend be helping you with this G? Or is he to busy fucking Alanna?", he seethes. I just look at my shoes and just shrug only for him to pull me closer to him,"You should confront him sweetheart because tonight your gonna have to look like a happy couple. Tonight is your night but right now we need to get moving."

I follow him out the door not before slipping on my Casadei Stiletto Pumps,doing my infamous smokey eye with red lip combo, and putting on my new wig that I got for going out. In the car as we drive there we hold hands the entire time there.

As soon as we make it to the resturaunt I see Papa Troy and Dimitri seated already. So of course I run to the as fast as I can to hug them. Papa Troy kisses me all over my face unlike Dimitri who just spins me around and squeezes me to death. "How have you guys been?", I squeal. They both look at me trying to figure me out until Papa speaks up,"Sweetheart the question is how are you doing?"

I just let my head fall while explaining,"I killed someone for the first time. And I liked it. I feel terrible like am I monster? Marcello is just crafting me into I know it because I heard him on the phone with his dad. Not to mention he has been sleeping around with girls." By the end they all look really sad and mad, I can't tell. Dimitri pulls me into his lap and rubs my back while I continue,"I feel like I should cheat too but its no use he will just do what ever he does to me."

Papa is the first one to speak again,"Sweetheart it is natural for you to want to hurt him and feel that way. But can you imagine what you put him by just being beautiful. So keep you head up sweetie!" After that D clears his throat,"As for the killing, it happens to the best of us. But eventually it will become something that doesn't even phase you. And i'll speak to Marc."Once we got through with what were my problems we moved onto work.


I guess I took a long nap because when I look outside the sun is setting outside my window. Suddenly I feel someone tap me on my bare shoulder before whispering,"Baby it's time to shine! First we need to get your dress, makeup done along with hair, and finally prompting." I open my eyes to see it is Italia standing there in her black lace robe. I groan before getting up and walking to the dress room. Quickly people sit me down and start doing my hair and makeup. When they turn me around I don't even recognize myself because my hair is done up in such elegant curls along with my real dark smokey eyes and sultry red lips. Then they have put on fake eyelashes and it almost seems as though my eyes have lightened to a lions eye color(light amber).

Italia is done and is waiting for me beside the revealing room that I guess contains my dress. I walk over ,open the door and gaze at this stunning dress thy picked out for me. Its neckline is high almost like a turtle neck except it has a little keyhole in the front with see through lace. The dress has long sleeves and also has a part where you can see the short inside part of the dress. It has a little garter almost like i'm a bride. Then they have Giuseppe Zanotti Design Platform Pumps waiting for me to slip them on. 

When I exit I swear the room becomes silent then people rush over to me to say how pretty i am and congrats on making it this far. Italia is the first one to push people out of the way so we can exit the room so we can get to the event. All the maids are lined up as we walk down the stairs to the main entrance where I see Marcello standing there waiting for me to come to him. Once we reach the bottom he tips me back and gives me the biggest kiss he can muster. "Baby you look stunning tonight.", Marc whispers in my ear.

I just give him a simple smile in return as we turn to walk to the limo now filled with the crew. Once we are in the car everything seems to pass by. And in no time we have arrived to Marc's fathers mansion. A red carpet is rolled out with paprazi lined up at the sides eager to take a picture. I take one last breath before taking Marc's hand and walking down the isle towards the ceremony.  When we enter the top stair case everybody rises to bow to us. My heart swells with pride that in moments I will finally have a happy family. We make it to the table after being hugged and kissed twenty thousand times. Mar's  father Ricardo tap the mike to get everyone's attention,"Hello lades and gentlemen tonight we are gathered here to see if Gianna or shall I say Marella has rose to the occasion. Everybody knows in this family we can't just allow any one in thus why you have to go on a mission and lead it. Right behind me we will play the footage of Gianna's trip. Then her fate shall be decided."

They roll the clip showing how I took on the two bigs at the front then being  hit by the door. But to my surprise I cut off a guy's head without blinking not mention licked my blood covered face. By the time it ended everybody was on their feet clapping as if I had done something great. I try to muster the best smile I can and Marc seems to notice so he murmurs,"Smile for now later we can discuss things." I don't know what takes over me but I rush to the stage and get the microphone.

I begin,"Tonight you've seen a side of me I din't know I had. But to be true we all have it in us however it is all about wether we act on it. And i'm telling you let your inner animal out and things will be better. Because with that we can have it all my friends. And no one will stop us. Besides that i'm so glad to have my lovely boyfriend by my side helping me every single step of the way. Baby I love you to the moon and back." With that I exit the stage and take a seat next to him for him only to give me a nod of approval. On the other hand you have Luc. and Italia looking like someone just killed his best friend. 

I look over and see a table that consisted of all elders chatting amongst themselves. After a few minutes of discussion Ricardo gets up to take the stage. Once he is up there he looks directly at me while saying,"Congratulations Gianna you are now part of the family.Come up here and get your ring." I climb the steps slowly in my huge dress. He kisses my hand before slipping it on my ring finger .

After that everything is a blur probably because we were celebrating my new found family. Marc and I after hours stumble out of the house into the limo. He starts to kiss me everywhere and i think it is going farther so I begin to strip. Next thing you know i'm seeing black dots and feeling like in falling. I open my eyes fighting to stay awake as he tries to calm me into sleep. Right before I black out I remember him saying,"We just need to work some kinks out. Then everything will be okay my love. We will have the world."

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