Chapter 9- A Man To Man Talk

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Everything had been going so well since we are in our honey moon phase as they say. We randomly call each other, leave each other love notes, and go on romantic dates. However, my father still doesn't see what I see in him.


I slowly open the door then close all of a sudden when i'm almost at the base of the stairs my father calls out,"Is that you Gianna?" I have no choice but to follow his voice and answer ,"Yes father it is me. Do you need something?" I walk all the way around to face I find him sitting in his big almost throne like chair with the a glass of liquor. "I need you to stop seeing this boy Gianna. He'bad and I know you are no saint yourself but please listen I'm trying to save you from him.", he lectures calmly. I gulp before replying,"But father I love him and he loves me. And did you see how much good publicity I got from bring with him." He stands there analyzing me and let me tell you he is that type of person that looks calm but is really mad on the inside.

Then all of a sudden his eyes connect with mine and he yells,"You will do as I say Gianna or else I hate to say this but I will imprison you in your own home. Your life will become difficult if i'm not pleased and remember I control you I made you and I can unmake you.Hell I even control your breath. He is going to leave you high and dry. Marry a boy that will give you money and s good future. Where all you have to do is watch the children." I counter him,"I don't want to sit at home and watch children I want to do me. Which is explore be wild and live life. I was a loner but now I've become so much more." "Don't you dare raise your voice at me young lady.", he barks. "I am not raising my voice I am matching one. What are you going to do -" His hand connects to my face and my head snaps to the side.

He starts to apologize but I cut him off ,"Don't you dare Willam let that sorry excuse leave your mouth. You've out done your self this time really. You ask why I don't say I love you its because of this. Imagine if your wife found out she would probably divorce you in a heart beat because you know she hates child abuse because she was raised in the type of environment. How could she end up with a person like you? Either you are good or bad with me choose. Stick to what you do best Willam and that is paying bills and compesating for being a a-hole."

I zone back in and i'm at lunch with Nikolai and all my guy friends. "Hey you okay Gia?", On instinct I smile ,"Yeah brush i'm okay just really tired" They all go back to their conversations except Nikolai,"Babes talk to me was it your father?" I nod and lower my head then excuse myself so I can go to the bathroom. Once i'm out the door I sprint to the bathroom I go in the closet stall and back myself up against the wall. I slowly slide down the wall sobbing.

After a few minutes of crying I pick myself up and go up to the mirror to fix my makeup. When i'm turning to exit the bathroom Nikolai walks in closes the door,"Nikolai let me out I don't want to talk about it.", I plead. He just shakes his head."Are you trying to be a therapist? You know what just let me out. I don't want to talk to you. Gosh you are too clingy." With that he steps aside allowing me to exit the bathroom. I'm almost to the doors when I a teacher yells from behind me,"Excuse me miss but you aren't authorized to leave." I just stick my middle finger up at her and leave. I get into my car and drive off

As soon as I set foot through the door I head straight to my room to strip down. Next to the liquor storage unit. I don't have a problem okay it helps me calm down ok. I go for my usual choice after a few cups I don't feel any different so I move onto something stronger. Before I know it i've downed a whole thing of Whiskey the super strong Southern kind.

I pick up my glass and throw it at the wall. Then I go on a rampage screaming ,"I thought you loved me ,but your actions never show it. Why me? I am that bad of a screw up that you don't love me. Please show you love me." By now I'm on the ground sobbing in my room. "Gianna are you in here? Are you okay?", Nikolai calls out to me. I yell,"I'm fine come and find me." When he enters my room his eyes become big because i'm only in my bra and underpants . "Hey baby why don't you come comfort me?", I purr. I've seento put him in some type of trance because he comes and sits close by me. I straddle him and start kissing him all over.

I'm on top of him unbuttoning his pants when he stops me,"Gianna your drunk ,so I don't want to do this right now." I pout and go for him again but he forces me under the covers and tucks me in tight. Next thing you know i'm out like a light. She whispers,"He hit me"

Nikolai's P.O.V:

She passed out as soon as her head touched the pillow. I walk downstairs to clean up ,so I follow the trail of broken things to find where she started. It seems to be some type of wince cellar or Liquor cabinet. Their is a half-filled wine glass, a empty Whiskey bottle, and a cup of scotch. Hopefully she doesn't have alcohol poisoning.

After a hour of cleaning up her mess I and napping with her I go to leave. I pass her fathers study,"Come in Nikolai", Mr. Ashford invites."I can't right now I have somewhere to be.", I lie. "No I insist I wan to discuss my daughter and your plans for her.", he explains. I enter into his gray room that consist of different types of grays. "I want you to leave my daughter alone. I know you are in the Mafia and plan to take over one day. So i'm asking you nicely Nikolai leave her alone." I can't seem to find the words because he knows I'm in the Mafia. "Sir I can assure you that means giving Gianna a good life of endless money and love. I know i'm not your average boy ,but I plan on having a future with her.", I honestly say.

"Hahaha you think she wants money and to be settled down she wants to do her not you. And endless money you mean dirty money that comes from people who do dirty business like you. Plus she already has another suitor who is way better than you more established and clean hid name is Marcelo Vitale.", he boasts. I am now pissed at him and yell,"He is 8 years older than her how will that work?And me and him are in the same business. So I don't understand."

"Son lets talk man to man Gianna has a bright future a head of her all you will do is hold her back from reaching greatness. Think she will be going off to Hardvard, Stanford, or Columbia University. She is innocent you are the devil reincarnated she is the light you are dark. See your son your running a race you'll lose in. I'm telling you she'll leave you high sand dry when graduation comes. Marcelo is mature, respected, and has a education.", he lectures.

"You must have forgot who your talking to. I am Nikolai Girabaldi I am the Mafia. Marcelo wants her because he needs a wife to secure his position. She is mine and I won't ever share her with anyone. And never ever hit her again or I will personally see to it that you are taken care of.", I respond cal my before leaving.

Maybe I really do need to let Gianna go because all I will do is hold her back from her becoming what she wants. But the problem is I don't think I can let her go I love her too much.

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