Gay Ships VS Straight Ships VS Everything in Between

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Originally published: August 2015

Disclaimer: This is more of a problem in the fandom then in fanfiction.

I'm gonna be completely honest with you guys here: I used to be a hardcore Pernico shipper.

Jasico too.

I loved them, and I shipped Perjasico the most. I just wanted to combine them into this cute little threesome of fluff.

I have no idea what I ship now

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I have no idea what I ship now. Everything? Nothing? Regardless of my current shipping status, since I've joined this fandom (all the way back in 2008!) I've sometimes been on the unpopular ship side of the fandom. And I've realized how much hate we have. I'm so dam tired of seeing those super duper uber hardcore Percabeth shippers saying, "Oh my godddddssss you ____ (pernico, jercy, jasico, pipabeth, perachel, percalypso, etc) shippers are cray cray!" Oh my gods, guys, seriously?

I know I'm being a little hypocritical here, with my whole chapter on the low points of Pertemis, but this story is just my opinion. I'm not trying to hate. But I've seen so many shippers (not just Percabeth, too) hate on ships, or the characters in them, or the shippers. There's this one instagram account that heavily ships Perachel, and there are so many comments saying, "Oh my god, is there something wrong with you? You must've been born with a birth defect" or some other mean thing. I don't ship Perachel, trust me, but there's no reason to say that. Also, there's no reason to hate on Rachel, because I think we all love Percy at least a little bit... and besides, Rachel's really chill and cool.

It's kind of like when people don't accept other people's political opinions, but they don't hate on them

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It's kind of like when people don't accept other people's political opinions, but they don't hate on them. It's like, you don't have to ship them, but don't hate on them. This fandom has more drama than MackenZie Falls!

 This fandom has more drama than MackenZie Falls!

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P.S. I accept gay people (obviously, since I used to think "gay ships are yay ships" xD) . I'm also Christian. Please do not think all Christians diss gay people. I think that Jesus, and the bible, tells us to love everyone. You cannot take one simple verse, twist it around, and use it as an excuse for thinking something's "weird".

 You cannot take one simple verse, twist it around, and use it as an excuse for thinking something's "weird"

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