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Originally published: June 2015

HEY GUYS I JUST WANTED TO SAY HOW AMAZING IT IS THAT USA LEGALIZED GAY MARRIAGE! Congratulations America, you finally got one right.

However, I want you guys to know that the fight isn't over yet

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However, I want you guys to know that the fight isn't over yet. There's still tons of hate on the LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual) community! Please don't think that the fight is over, despite what Chapter 9 of OTGW says (haha if you got that joke you are AWESOME). 

And if you don't accept gays, that sucks. If you're a homophobe and you not only disaccept (is that a word?) gays but hate them JUST FOR WHO THEY ARE, screw you. Get of my page. You don't deserve the wholesome anger of my rants.

P.S. Another rant is coming soon.

 Another rant is coming soon

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