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Originally published: May 2016

"Dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women"

The definition of misogyny.

I'm a feminist (A real feminist. Not those misandrists that are often mistaken for feminists.) and I have noticed that there is a lot of subliminal misogyny in our fandom. Instead of explaining it to you, I want to ask you all a few questions to prove my point.

Why are boyxboy ships SUPER CUTE and squeal-worthy when femslash is ignored? More often than not, the boyxboy ships have no development at all and the girlxgirl ships could actually be canon and are based on actual friendships, yet they're exclude...

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Why are boyxboy ships SUPER CUTE and squeal-worthy when femslash is ignored? More often than not, the boyxboy ships have no development at all and the girlxgirl ships could actually be canon and are based on actual friendships, yet they're excluded or called weird or just not shipped.

Why do I see so much fanart for ships that are basically just made up of two random boy characters, yet none for the awesome girl characters or ships that involve bamfs like Piper and Reyna and Hazel and Thalia and Rachel and Annabeth?

Why does everybody start liking and shipping a boy character with another character when he starts a love triangle, but when a girl starts a love triangle, she's a b*tch?

Why are the characters with feminine qualities hated and automatically thought of as Regina Georges? Why does it matter if Piper is a girly girl? She can be both tough and girly. The feminine and girly characters are ALWAYS persecuted.

Why are the "sassy" boy characters (which, most of the times, aren't even sassy in the books) accepted as idols and gods and crushes, when if any of the girl characters said half of the things people say Percy says, they'd be hated?

Why are cute friendships like Piper and Annabeth or Piper and Hazel ignored and not even acknowledged, but barely developed "friendships" like Jason and Nico are shipped as romance? Further more, why are sweet friendships like Frank and Annabeth that aren't "cute" excluded?

Why are girl characters reduced to 1/2 of their ship when they're even more amazing as individuals or with close friends? Annabeth is not just the "abeth" of Percabeth. Piper is not just the "iper" of Jiper. Reyna is not just the "eyna" of Jeyna or Leyna (GO JEYNA). Thalia is not just the "thal" of Thaluke. For those last two, you're probably like, "well duh they're not!"
And that just makes me mad. Why recognize only some of the characters when we have a great cast of people in our books that just make it great?

 Why recognize only some of the characters when we have a great cast of people in our books that just make it great?

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(art by ilyone on tumblr... if you haven't seen the video, which is an opening for a potential HoO TV show, go watch it, it's amazing)

I'm a feminist. I'm not super radical or something, but I believe in equality, and that's what feminism is promoting.

I'd like to see a change in this fandom.

I'd like to see a change in this fandom

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