This Fandom Has Gone Stale (IMO)

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Originally published: June 2017

Hey y'all.

This is my second time writing this thing. I was almost done with it when Wattpad decided to be its annoying self and delete everything. So now I'm even more pissed. This is going to be a long rant. And it may offend a few people. Please don't take this personally. I'm especially sorry if you like or even made any of the pictures I'm soon to show below. I just had to get this out.

So I haven't updated in a long time. And that's because I really don't have much to rant about anymore. That's good, Athena! You may say. That's because the fandom is getting better, right? WRONG. It's because this fandom has plateaued. It has flatlined. It has gone stale like a bag of chips left open in the sun for a week. That is to say... we're the exact same fandom we've always been.

On tumblr, the fandom is having some improvements, I suppose

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On tumblr, the fandom is having some improvements, I suppose. I'm seeing pretty aesthetics, diverse casts, fanart, and fanfics. Also, tumblr seems to have absorbed Rick's new content much better than any other platform, because I've seen lots of content relating to Trials of Apollo and Magnus Chase (and even some for The Kane Chronicles!!! Yay!)

But everywhere else, it's stagnant. It's the same memes, jokes, fanart, and gags that I've been seeing for years. And I can say that, because I've been in this fandom for NEARLY A DECADE! I joined when I was in early 2nd grade. To put that in perspective, I'm in 10th grade now. I'm like a fandom grandma, or war veteran. I've been here for the good times - the cheesy fanart, the cliche yet entertaining fanfics, the hilarious jokes that changed as new books were released - and I've been here for the bad times - the ship wars between Percabeth and Perachel, the hate and white-washing of Piper, all the "Team Leo" stuff. I was there for both "Family, Luke, you promised" and "Tell the sun and stars hello for me." I've seen it all.

And I can safely say that nothing's really changing

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And I can safely say that nothing's really changing. To an extent, I suppose some things are, like the replacement of Solangelo as the fandom's main mlm ship (instead of the previous Valdangelo/Pernico/Jasico/Jercy/Lercy etc.) But that's about it.

I go on Pinterest, and these are some of the things I find:

I go on Pinterest, and these are some of the things I find:

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