A Comprehensive List Of Small Things That Annoy Me

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Originally published: November 2017

Hola, amigos. Welcome to another shit show on this orange hellsite.

(If you can't tell, I'm especially salty today).

So, this is gonna be kinda long and winding and really critical of the series itself (not of the fandom). If you get offended over that kind of thing, please just skip to the next chapter. I'm not trying to insult Rick or the fandom with this rant. I wouldn't be the person I am today without Rick and his books. He's influenced me immensely.

But that doesn't mean he's flawless. That doesn't mean he cannot be subject to criticism.

Anywho, I was taking a little stroll through the PJO side of tumblr the other day, as one does, and I started to realize how many little things about the series could've been so much better. Most of it is criticism of HoO and after, not the first series. It's stuff that Rick kind of messed up, but I can't tackle in a full chapter because they're pretty self-explanatory. So I decided to make a list!

1. Frank and Hazel are literally forgotten about after Son of Neptune. They are swept to the side to make room for Percy, Annabeth, etc., which is kind of harmful? Like here are these two realistic kids, both people of color with very interesting backstories, and they're sidelined for characters we've already had a whole series about. Idk just give Percy a break and let other people take the spotlight for once.

2. PERCY IS NOT A SWEET PERSON. He has an extreme temper, is entirely sarcastic and cynical, and tends to berate people in his head. I say this because the fandom tends to portray him as this beautifully loyal person, and of course this is confirmed by the whole "fatal flaw is loyalty" thing. Which is complete and utter BS, if you ask me. Loyalty is not a fatal flaw. It does not control your life or continuously screw you over. Yeah, so he'd sacrifice the world for Annabeth. I'm sure many dramatic teenagers would say the same thing about their boyfriends/girlfriends/significant others. That's not loyalty, that's just impulsive love. But you know what Percy's fatal flaw could be? I'm not gonna say - I'll just give you this text post I found on tumblr because honestly it's gold:

 But you know what Percy's fatal flaw could be? I'm not gonna say - I'll just give you this text post I found on tumblr because honestly it's gold:

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