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Ava's eyes gradually opened and revealed her now-sober father leaning over her, concern in his face. When he noticed her eyes were open she's of tears dropped down his face: tears of joy and relief.
"I'm so s-sorry!" He gasped, pulling Ava up gently into a tight hug. "I can't even remember what I did!"
Ava looked into his deep, ocean blue eyes.
"It's fine dad. It doesn't matter what you did. Thanks for sorting me out." She said sincerely, then glanced down at her side.
Where her rib had cracked her dad had done some stitches. They were ugly and in a dark navy blue wool, and overlapped some of the other stitches put in her. She hasn't visited the hospital for any of them.
Her dad often had violent outbursts like the previous nights, especially when he had been drinking. Ava bore it, but secretly she knew she shouldn't. That was why her mum had left. In reality she knew she should probably go to the hospital, get herself sorted out properly, and report her dad to social services and the police. But she didn't. She loved her dad too much to betray him like that. They were together in this. Since mum had left, their relationship had become so close, and she didn't want to ruin that by even thinking about betraying her dad. So she banished the thought from her mind.

Please turn to one of the chapters entitled '5'

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