First met

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Art above credit to the right owner❕❕

Y/N L/N, a girl age 23 y/o, still studying in Sakura University(i just made this up).You live at an apartment near the university and live with Tachibana Hinata which go to the same university with you. You and hina were close but since there's a lot of assignments, you and hina doesn't have time to hangout together. You always skip dinner. You were hungry, so you went for a walk for a while to search some restaurant for you to fill your growling stomach. You take a quick shower then threw your white tops, jacket and tracksuit on. You quietly open the door since hina already slept.

The colourful city light shine bright at night and the breeze flow through you. You stretch your arm out then take a breath. You were really tired and weak since you didn't ate dinner. You put the hood on then continue to walk. After a few minutes walk, you saw a ramen shop. The name of the ramen shop attracted you and it smells great too. The smell makes you growl your stomach louder. Then you entered the ramen shop, " SUGOAKU"

It was hot inside. Of course it is because it's a ramen shop. You then take a sit. You saw a pair of twins, one with the smile on his face and pink hair, then the other one with angry on his face and blue hair. Both of them had the bandanna on and tied hair. Then the pink hair one takes your order." Hello there, what would you like?""I would like to have the basic ramen noodle please and just a glass of water.""Okay." You then look around the shop. The shop was really crowded since many people work overtime and hangout here. You then pulled out your phone and start scrolling through twitter. After a 10 minutes, your ramen arrived, you thanked him with a smile. He nodded then go back to his job. You picked up the chopstick then clapped your hand together and said,"Itadakimasu". It was really tasty. The texture of the noodle is perfect and the soup taste really good paired up with the noodle. You ate so fast because of your hunger and the tastiness of the ramen. You notice the twins stared at you. Then your face becomes red. You bowed your head to them and said," Sorry, excuse me." The pink hair one chuckled then said, " It's okay. You were really hungry, arent you?"You then nodded not looking at him. Then the blue hair one said," You should try mine black tonkatsu too."" Oh yeah sure but maybe tomorrow? Cuz im full already. Thanks for the food."you smiled.He seem a bit disappointed you didn't taste his black tonkatsu . Well little did you know he's disappointed because you didn't praise him. While the pink one felt so happy because he get praised by you. " Well to be honest, this is the first time i ate ramen that's very tasty and texture is just perfect, this might be my favourite place to go to eat ya know." you said still smiling."Well, we welcome you anytime, princess."the pink one said."princess?wait did he just-""We looking foward to see you again." the blue one said.""Well, before you leave, can you tell us what is your name?""Umm Y/N L/N. Just call me Y/N. How bout both of you?""Im Nahoya Kawata, this is my brother Souya Kawata, you can call me smiley and him angry.""Nice to meet both of you. Well, it's getting late now, i'll excuse myself first, byebye smiley kun!Byebye angry kun!" You waved them goodbye and leave the shop.

You take off your jacket and threw it off somewhere on the floor then plopped your whole body on the bed. You shut your eyes then quickly fell asleep.

The next morning,
It was weekend so you decided to sleep a little longer but then you felt someone shaking you." Wake up Y/N! Wake up!"hina said. Then you groan and turn away from hina and cover you whole body with your blanket. Hina then said,"If your not gonna wake up, then imma leave you.""Hina, it's saturday, what are you going to do?Just lemme sleep a little longer." You said with your sleepy voice." Well, i wanted to try out my boyfriend's friend ramen shop, i think its called," SUGOAKU" which is near us.""Wait what?!"you jolted up from your bed hearing the name of the ramen shop you just go last night." I umm go there last night because i skip my dinner. Too much assignments." you sighed then hina pouted and turn away from you." You didn't bring me with you.""You were sound asleep last night ya know.""Well you could've just woke me up.""I feel bad woke someone sound asleep." you poke her cheek then said," Well takemitchi didn't go with you?"" He's kinda busy, so he asked me to invite you instead."you sighed again then said," Okay fine. I'll go with you. Just give me time to get ready okay."" Yay! This is why i love you so much!" she hugged you tightly." I know i know. Im the best." Then you and hina laughed together.

You take a bath, wash your face and brush your teeth. Then you dry your hair with a hairdryer then put it in messy bun. You picked some of your casual outfit and a bag then you head out.

You and hina were talking along the way. Then you arrived at suogaku. " Welcome." The twin said in unison." Well well, we meet again princess." you then blushed and look away from smiley."Cute" smiley and angry thought." Oi smiley, stop teasing her already. Wait arent that takemitchi girlfriend?"angry said" Yes, i am. Im Tachibana Hinata if you haven't know me. Just called me hina."" Well hello there hina-chan.So what little princess and hina-chan wants to eat?""Y/N you promised to taste my black tonkatsu last night you know." you then chuckled and said," Of course. I wont break my promise. Well i'll have the black tonkatsu please."" And i'll have the white tonkotsu then.""Okay then. Be right back!" It is morning so there's not much customer going there. Your phone vibrated then you check it. It's from hina. You look at her with a confused look then she told you to read the messages she send.

Hey! It seems like the twins interested in you~

Wait what! No We've just met last how are they interested in me?

Heh😏First smiley-kun called you " princess" then i saw the other one was jealous his brother flirting with you😆😜You thought i didn't notice it huh😏Well im your bestie after all😘

Hina! Stop it!

Well goodluck!😋

Goodluck?For what?!

" Tch." you clicked your tongue and glare at hina which only look at you with a smile. You deadpanned then sighed which cause hina giggled. You couldn't do anything because of her cute face. " Here you go Y/N and yours too hina-san." angry said." Thank you angry-kun" You smiled at him which causes him to blush." Well then enjoy." angry said quickly turn and walk away.

"Thank-you for the food!"both of you said." It really taste so good!"hina said." So how was my black tonkatsu ? Do you like it?"angry look at you with a puppy eyes waiting for an answer from you." I like it angry-kun." you couldn't resist patted his head which make him run away.You tilt your head in confusion but then just shrugged it off."So where you gonna go next?"you asked hina."Hmm maybe grocery shopping? We need to add more food in our refrigerator."" Sure. Well thank you smiley-kun and angry-kun for the ramen, here i pay for both.""Eh hina! No need i'll pay it myself.""No no it's okay. We didn't get to hangout so much and also i woke you up just for this, so i'll treat you!""Thank you."" Your welcome."" Well then come again next time princess!" you nodded but felt shy because you're still not used smiley calling you "princess". Then you waved goodbye and leave the shop.

" Well well well. Looks like their really interested in you!" hina purposely bump your shoulder lightly. You turn away then said," Stop it hina!" and pouted.

author-chan: If your reading this, thank you and have a great day!

Evil Twins ||K.Nahoya x fem Reader x K. Souya/SoutaWhere stories live. Discover now