Birthday party

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Your alarm rang for the third time and that's when you decided to get up." Ughh so annoying." you rubbed your eyes then smell something nice. You followed the smell then you reached at the kitchen." Mmm~smells so great! What are you making hina?"" Miso soup and fried fish. The rice just cook too. I planned to buy something for the twins since today is their birthday."" Eh? Today is their birthday? Wait most importantly, how would you know?"" Takemitchi has been invited to go to their birthday party and he's bringing me along too, so yeah."" Eh? Then have fun imma have this whole house alo-" " Takemitchi also said that the twins want to invite you but wanted to tell you by themself so..."" Oh. Then um is this supposed to be a surprise or what?"" I don't know."" Anyways, can i eat first, im hungry."" Go and cleaned yourself up first you idiot. My class gonna start at 9 so lock the house before you leave okay."" Okay miss hina." you chuckled then go the bathroom and cleaned yourself.

You got out from your room and hina already place the food on the table. " Come here Y/N.""Okay." You walked to the table and sat beside hina." Itadakimasu!" you and hina said then start digging in the food." Mmm! Delicious!"" Eat slowly idiot!Later you'll choke on the food!"hina patted your back then you grab the water and drink it." Thank you for the food!"" Well Y/N, i'll go first. Take care of this will you?"" Roger!"" Good, then bye bye!"" Bye hina! Be careful on the way okay!"" Okay!" Then you heard the door closed and you stand up and cleaned the table.

You get ready to go for your class. You take a quick shower and wore jeans with belt and black tops. For accessories, you put on your favourite earrings and watch then grab your bag and head out. Of course you had to check everything is in there before you head out." Dont wanna make myself even tired." you said to yourself.

As usual, the class were boring. Not the lecturer's fault, but the class.Haitani Ran, were your lecturer for your f/subject. He like to joke around sometimes and sometimes he's serious. He got nice look that is why he's popular among the girls and hated among the boys.You didn't really like that because all you can hear are the girls and boys whispering about him.You can't even focus on the subject. So you wanted to end the class early." So students, did you finished you assignments yesterday?"" I did." you said. You walked up to the him and handed him all the work you have done last night."" Hmm as i expected from my favourite student. You can go home now."" Really?" he nodded and you jumping back to your seat to take your belongings and head out. You felt the whole class were staring at you but you didn't mind. All of your hard work were payed off. You smiling and go home happily. Then you remembered that today is the twins birthday. So you go shopping by yourself to buy a present for them. You didn't really know what they like, so you just pick the one that you think they will like." So this will do." You bought a trio matching necklace and earrings since you saw both of them had their ear pierced and the necklace looks interesting too but the paired one sold out so you get the trio one.You then got home and saw hina making onigiri on the kitchen table." Im home and your home early hina."" Welcome home Y/N. My class ended early today."" Oh. Need some help?"" No it's okay.""Well can i have one please?" You said with puppy eyes that hina couldn't resist so hina stuff your mouth with one onigiri and you thanked her,"Bthank Byou!"" Hey don't talk with your mouth full!" You nodded then go to your room and cleaned up.

You soaked yourself in the bathtub then heard the door bell rang.Hina was there so she answered the door. You then got out from the bathtub and wore some plain shirt and shorts.You didn't blow your hair and straight up go out to see who's coming." Hey princess."" Hey Y/N."" Oh it's you two." you said while drying your hair with a towel." What brought you guys here?"" Oh we wanted to invite you and hina to our birthday party tonight. Would you like to come?"" Oh yeah sure. I would love too.""Me too. Actually takemitchi wanted to bring me so yeah.""Well then here's our address ,see you guys there."" Okay. Bye bye!"" Bye bye!" they leave then hina said," Well, what you got for them?""Umm a matching necklaces and earrings?"" Good taste Y/N. Who are they matching with?"" Um each other? but the shop has sold out the paired matching necklace so i had to take the trio matching necklace."" Okay good choice so thats mean your gonna be matching with them?"" No hina! It's not-""I know Y/N I know. Anyways i should go and get ready. Yoo too Y/N! Put some pretty clothes and make up okay! It seems like they having a party in a hotel."" Okay! You too!" you go to your room and open your wardrobe to see which you wanted to wear tonight and you picked,f/dress witha pair of f/c heels and a purse since you only bring your phone and some money there. For your makeup and hair looks, you put light blush and eyeliner and mascara with light red lipstick and make your hair wavy looks. You then grab the present and put it in a bag since the present is already in a box.You done it about and hour and a half then you got out and saw hina wearing a pink dress sleeveless and short heels with a small bag. She tied her hair in a ponytail and light makeup on." Wow.. Y/N you are gorgeous! I never seen this side of you! You really really pretty!"" Your pretty too hina!" both of you hugging each other then," The shall we head out?""Sure, takemitchi is waiting for us so lets go."" Eh? Is it okay for me to follow too?"" It's okay Y/N."" Okay then."" You then head out with hina and met takemitchi with his suits on stared at hina." Hina! Y-You're really pretty."" Aww you're handsome too."you then clear your throat then both of them look embarrassed then you said," So shall we go?"" Okay then, hang on ladies." then off you guys go.

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