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You woke up and saw no one was in the room. Or so you thought. You planned to leave since nobody was there but then you heard water flowing coming from the bathroom. Of course, your curiousness making you wanna go and check what's in there. It's morning, of course there's no such thing like paranormal would happen. But just in case that there's a stranger in there, you prepared yourself.You brought your high heels and open the door slowly. Your heart beating fast because you're nervous but you tell yourself to be brave. You saw a shadow behind the curtain. "Looks like they taking a shower." You then open the curtain and shut your eyes and trying to attack whoever was in there but you recklessly attack the person making you miss every hit. But then the person grab you wrist and pull you closer to them. " Y/N?" you recognize the voice then you slowly open your eyes." Angry kun?Is that really you?"" Uh yes. Why?" you sighed in relief." I thought there's other people inside here. Oh my god! Wait did i hit you?!" you look at his muscular body and face see if you hit him or not then realise he's naked. " I'm okay, Y/N. How bout yo-"" AAAAAA! I'M SO SORRY!"" you turn away cover your red face with both of your hand." Hmm? Ohh."" U-umm imma leave first. Sorry again."" Wait Y/N" you just about to run, angry hugs you from behind. The water drop from his wet hair and wet body touches your body. You turn really red and somehow you freeze up." Wait you should take a bath too. Wearing that dress will attract others."" B-But i dont have any extra shirt."" You can wear mine white blouse from last night tho. If you wanted."" A-are you sure?" he nodded. He then placed his head on the crook of your neck and the water still dropping from his wet hair. Each drop making you shiver because the water now is cold."Let's soak in the bathtub together after you done showering."" What?!"" Hmm why?"" No no i refuse. I-"" Please?"" I-i" he hug you tighter." Y-you will see me naked."" So what?"" I'll be embarrassed."" Well you could wear towel if you feel embarrassed."" What then it will be uncomfortable for me."" Then?I just wanna bath with you before smiley got here."" Speaking about smiley, where is he?"" I don't know, he left early before i went to take a shower."" Oh."" So what's your choice?"" Eh?"

You wipe your face using makeup remover wipes that you decided to bring along yesterday because you wanted to remove your makeup because it makes you uncomfortable. You brush your teeth using the new toothbrush that been given there and then take a shower. You wash your head and body. The shampoo smell like lavender and a bit minty and your body soap smell sweets. After you done your shower, you take the towel and wrapped it around your body. Angry was waiting outside the bathroom. He's leaning on the wall with on half bottom of his body covered up using towel. You examine his not too muscular body but his abs still visible. Not gonna lie he's hot."Y/N dont stared at me like that. You making me having a hard time here.""U-uh im sorry angry kun." He then lift you up then place you gently in the tub that already prepared just before you take a shower.He sit down then you face your back at him. Just before you sit on the tub, you opened your towel. You make sure that there's a distance between you and him. But his hand long enough to reach you then he placed you on his lap.You shocked at his sudden act and try to escpae but then he said," Don't move." The word coming out from his mouth somehow make you shiver down your spine and making you freeze up. You crossed you arm trying to hide your tits from him." Don't worry i won't look at it."" Eh how do you know im trying to hide my boobs?!"" You just said it."" Angry kun!" he then chuckled which make you chuckled too. You then try to pinch his cheek but stopped by him grabbing your hand. He then intertwined his hand with yours." Your hands are small."" So what?"" It's cute." you then turn away trying to hide your face then he grab your chin and pecked you on the lips.You trying to push away but failed because he too strong so you give up." You lips is soft too."" I-I" Ding! The door of the room opened." It seems like smiley is here."" Let's go." he help you got out from the bath then you quickly grab your towel to cover yourself up. You went out first and saw smiley bringing something. Smiley then notice you," Oya? What do we have here?" smiley slowly walks toward you until you sit on the bed. Smiley put down the things he brought earlier then pinned you down on the bed."Wait wait!" you internally panicking." I bet you look pretty without those on." he pointed your towel." What?!" you pushed him away then quickly grab the shirt angry for you earlier and run towards the bathroom. You run pass angry then slammed the door and make sure to lock it.You heard smiley laughed then said," Be careful in bathroom. Don't wanna get hurt now aren't we?~"" Smiley stop it."" Shut up angry. You're just jealous of me."" Tch. Im not."" Yeah yeah whatever." You wear your bra and panties back since you don't have any spare one and the blouse angry gave you. It's big that is why your body sinked when you wear the clothes. You walked out the bathroom and saw the twin were talking about something." Oh hey princess. Wow you look hot. Bet you look hotter in mine."you playfully rolled your eyes then grab you phone and see if there's any messages from hina.

You didn't bring the house key isnt it? Well guess you need to wait until my date with takemitchi are done then you can go back home.

What?! Ughh fine what time do you guys finished?

I dont know. I'll call you later we done.

Okay then. Have fun🙄

You too😆Have fun with the twins😘

The hell?!

You sighed the turn to the twin." We need to check out before 1 pm. So let's clean up this room then leave. We drop you home." Smiley said. U-uh i forgot to bring my keys and hina is home a bit late so.."" Oh~ guess we can spend more time with you princess."" Uh but is it okay to bring me along?"" It's okay. Angry after you guys done cleaned up, bring her to the car. I'll help us check out."angry nodded then start cleaned up the room and you did the same. After a while, angry brought you to the car. You sit at the back seat while angry on the passenger seat and smiley drove the car.

After a while, you arrived at their house.

Evil Twins ||K.Nahoya x fem Reader x K. Souya/SoutaWhere stories live. Discover now