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You went to your class as usual. But today, you feeling a bit heavy.You have cold sweats and your head are spinning. You still can walk. But then hina approached you." Hey Y-Woah.You look sick! Why you didn't tell me?!" hina start panicking." Hina, don't shout. Im okay."" Okay you said?!" hina put her palm on your forehead." Oh my! You got fever! Nurse office now." hina frowned." Okay okay. Dont yelled." you walk with hina supporting you.

Both of you arrived at the nurse office." My my. Who do we have here?" the doctor said." Tch this is why i don't want to go here."you said, rolled your eye. " Why not darling?"" Dr. Haruchiyo, can you just do your job?"" You gotta ask nicely darling."" Ugh.Hina let's just g-""Im joking Y/N!" he grabbed your wrist and you sit down back to the bed."Hmm 39.5. That's pretty high." he start searching for medicine." Here you go. Eat that and go home."" Who's gonna drive me home?" you said." I should go bac-""Darling, don't you have any other friends? Maybe you can call them to pick you up."" They're probably busy.""Oh so you do think of the twins aren't you, Y/N ?" hina said smirking at you."Uhhhhhh im gonna go to sleep.Bye." you avoiding what hina just said." Dont worry. I alread called them."" What?! Hina you!"" I gotta go, bye!" hina ran away." So, wanna tell me who's the twins?"" Why should i tell you?"" Rude." sanzu playfully pouted. You sighed. " Ugh. Fine.Kawata twins."" Ohh that twins."" You know them?"he hummed." Heh." Suddenly the door swing open." Y/N ARE YOU OKA-" he stopped when he saw haruchiyo and you alone in the room." You!"" Hello. Long time no see,angry."" What did you do to her?"" Oh~you wanna know?"" Wha-"" He just gave me medicine, thats all." he sighed in relieve." Come on Y/N. Let's get you home."you nodded." Bye bye darling! Get well soon okay? I'll miss you!"" Ughh shut up haru!" you groaned. " What? Darling?""Dont mind him souya kun."" Hmmph! Fine." he turned to you and give you a piggyback ride. " Souya kun?"" Hang on tight babygirl." he said then he start walking out the building. " Nahoya kun?"" Hey there princess."" How bout your shop?"" We closed it early. No worries i got you a ramen.The black tonkatsu."" Thank you. I reallly need to pay you guys back."" Sure. After you're getting better." smiley said.You know what's gonna happen.

Angry and you were at the back seat while smiley driving the car.You slowly getting sleepier due to the effect of the medicine so you decided to sleep. Slowly, your head lay on angry's shoulder." Cute." he whispered.

After a few minutes, you guys arrived." Y/N? we're here."" Ah sorry." you wanted to woke up but your head felt very dizzy." Holy Y/N! Your body felt so hot." angry said."We should head the clinic." smiley nodded then angry went in the car back.

" So doctor, is Y/N okay?"" She's okay now.I gave her a shot. Her temperature should decrease by a few hour so please take her home and let her rest."Both of them nodded." Im sorry nahoya kun, souya kun for giving you guys a more burden." you sniff." Aww no worries baby. We love taking care of you." smiley said. " Angry, you drive."" Roger." smiley carry you in bride style. You didn't care since you felt very weak." We'll take care of you, okay?" smiley kissed you forehead. You buried your face in his embrace and nodded.

" Here you go princess. I reheated the ramen." he feed you." Say ahh." you opened your mouth." Mmm!" you smiled." Ahh so cute. I cannot resist you." angry said.You just smiley at him and you make him blushed.Smiley continue feed you until you ate all of the ramen." I guess sick people should eat ramen instead of porridge." you lightly chuckled. " Now eat your medicine and go to sleep." you at the medicine and smiley tuck you in bed." Have a good rest okay?" you nodded and slowly went to sleep.Both of them gave you kisses on your cheek and forehead then they went out.

While you were sleeping...
" Im home!"" Ah hina chan."" Smiley kun, angry kun.Thank you for taking care Y/N for me."" Your welcome."" Let me treat you dinner okay? So stay a while can you?" hina said. " Sure."" Okay then. So how's was Y/N after she went to clinic?"" She's okay. She's now sleeping after eating ramen."" Ramen?" smiley nodded."Ahh i see."" Okay then imma take bath first. So do you need something to drink?"" Coffee?"" Okay sure." hina made coffee for them and she went to her room." I hope Y/N is feeling better now." hina pray.

" Dinner is ready!"" Ah okay.""I'll go call Y/N first." hina said. Both of the male nodded. The went to the dining table."Y/N?"you didn't respond."Y/N, dinner is ready. You want me to feed you or?"" Hmm i'll get up." you said while rubbing your eyes.Hina put her palm on your forehead to check whether you're okay now or not. m" Looks like your fever went down." Hina help you get up and went to the dining table." Y/N?"" Ah nahoya kun? souya kun? you guys still here?"" Hina said she'll make dinner to thanked us for taking care of you."" Oh." then you sit down with smiley help you pull out the chair. You thanked him. " Itadakimasu!" all of you said and start digging in the food.

"I'll do the dishes, hina." angry offer to help her." Eh? You dont need to.I can do it."" I resist. You have made us dinner so it's fair for us to do the dishes."" Ahh i see. Well then,i'll leave it to you. Thank you."angry nodded and lift his sleeves and start washing the dishes. While you on the other side, leaning on smiley's shoulder, resting." Smiley is playing with his phone. Hina couldn't resist but to take a picture of both of you." This is cute." hina chuckled." And send!" hina said sending the picture to you.

here you go! thank me later<3

I dont know what to say.

No need to say anything bestie. I know you like it~

you smiled.

" What you smiling at?" smiley said." Hmm nothing."" Nothing? Let me see that." he snatched your phone and saw the photo." Nothing huh?" he smirk." Give me back!"you trying to get your phone back.Smiley laugh then gave your phone back.You pouted trying to go back to your room but he grab you." Stay like this for a while okay?" you nodded.

author chan: sorry for the late update! hope you guys enjoyed this!

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