|| Chapter 9||

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Don't try to impress people who don't appreciate your annotating .
- Unknown

Excuse all Mistakes

Kevin's POV

Layla think just cause I haven't tried to get her back yet that I'm going to leave her alone but boy if only she knew how wrong she was.

Baby girl got about 3 weeks left with him until I get her back. She thought just cause she finally found out that my cousin was ha' baby daddy that she just gone go live happily ever after with him? Naaah he couldn't handle her anyway.

I'm coming for my babies and Zamaria or whatever her daughter name is because I know I couldn't even attempt to make her stay without her 'Precious angel'.

"Babe where you at?" D'ara yelled walking through the unlocked front door. "down here" I said from my home gym. Afterward I heard two sets of heels walking down the stairs.

I sat up from my machine and wiped the sweat off my face "Eewwww Kev' you stank dude" D'ara stated flipping the switch for the fan and opening a window.

"who is she?" I asked as I looked her over. "Ohhh yeah I forgot you haven't met my cousin. Candice this is Kevin My new boo, Kevin this my cousin Candice" she said as she quickly introduced them. "Hey Kevin" she said with a smile and a wink.

She was thick with a slim waist and smooth looking brown skin. I nodded with a smirk as she quickly looked away "Ummmm ANYWAYS Kevin we came over here cause you said you wanted to talk to me" she said annoyed

"Oh yeah so we need to get ready to get my baby momma back here ASAP cause its been three almost four months and my son is going to be coming soon and he need to be here when he do" I said as I got up and walked over to the fridge for a water.

"Okay well that's another reason why I brought my cousin Candice, she's dating ya' cousins best friend Jay" she said happily "And?" I replied sarcastically "Kevin baby she gone help us get Layla awhole lot easier" she said with a smirk . "Is that right" I asked looking at her "Yup she already agreed" D'arra quickly nodded.

"Okay and whats in it for you" I asked looking her up and down "I think We'll figure out some sort of agreement" she said nonchalantly .

"ok we're gonna go now . I'll see you later babe" she said as she came and kissed my cheek then called Candice over and walked upstairs "Aye Candice call me so we can discuss bidness" I said taking a sip of water "mhm" she replied as she continued walking up the stairs.

Layla about to be home and I can't wait. I can Honestly say I miss her Alot and i'm excited for it to be a boy we're having. He's going to have females falling to his knees with Just a wink. I laughed thinking about it.

I dont even really want Layla around to be honest I just want the baby but she needs to be here for breast milk and what not so he'll stay healthy. I'll keep her around for more kids to.

Everything's going to go right if Candice and D'ara don't mess up. I wanna have her here As soon as the baby is born and out the hospital that way we can Just nab all three and hopefully get out smoothly.

Marcus don't need her anyway he barely was around and now he want to try and claim what was already mine. Nope not happening I'll be sure to claim what's been mine Again.

"He better watch his back cause his precious family gone be gone just as fast as they came" I said aloud to myself with a smirk as I ran on my treadmill .
<<<< Candice in multimedia
Short update because I'm going to Update again this weekend.
Love y'all 💋😘

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