|| Chapter 14 ||

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Who's Daddy?

Excuse all mistakes

Marcus's POV-

Jaylon's screams woke me up as they blasted through the baby monitor. I sighed knowing I had to get up and care for him. Layla and I each claimed a baby every night to care for so it wouldn't just be her by herself getting up and caring for them. The only time she might care for both is if I have some business to handle that couldn't wait and had to be handled that night.

"Marcus.. If you don't get up and get Jaylon he is going to wake up Jai'mere who I literally just put to sleep two hours ago.." Layla said. I sighed and quickly got up to tend to Jaylon.

"Shhhh.. Hush little man." I said trying to calm his tears. As soon as I spoke he was quiet and gurgling in my ear. I laughed a little at how content he was after I picked him up and talked to him. "Jay man, you can't keep having these screaming fits G. Daddy needs some sleep to make us some money little man." I told him as I walked downstairs and got a premade bottle out of the fridge to heat up in the bottle warmer. "You got ya mommy and me exhausted because you the only one that wake up every two hours. Your brother sleeps through a earthquake." I told him as I set the three minute timer on the bottle warmer.

He laughed and started gurgling and talking baby talk trying to respond back to me. For a week old baby Jaylon did alot. He constantly babbled and talked to his brother and to himself when Jai'mere went to sleep on him. He laughed at his reflection and constantly smiling and talking. He was a very happy baby as long as you talked to him. He just always fights his sleep because he wants to talk and he's spoiled deathly by my mother because all she did was hold him and talk to him all the time. She's the reason why we have trouble putting him to bed at night.

Now Jai'mere, Jai'mere was another story. All he wanted to do was sleep and if he wasn't sleep he wanted to eat so he could go back to sleep. He was a lazy baby and didn't like to be bothered to much or he'd get fussy. And we figured three days after he was born that he goes in his diaper every three hours but he doesn't cry. He just sits in it which is why he had a rash when we brought him home the first day so Layla has an alarm set for every 31/2  hours to change his diaper unless he starts crying before that time to eat.

Together Jai'mere and Jaylon we're a handful to care for by yourself because they are complete opposites and require different treatment. As soon as the bottle was warmed to the perfect temperature and I had tested it on my arm I held it into his mouth and feed him as I walked him back up to the room. "It's good?" I asked staring down at him then sitting in the rocking chair. He stared up at me quietly sipping his bottle. These kids are great and I regret ever thinking what I thought in the Labor room.

He finished half the bottle and spit the nipple out to talk. I shook my head "Little Man you talk alot. I already know you are going to be a smooth talker and a good talker. You probably like arguing to huh?" I asked him while patting his back waiting for him to burp. He just Gurgled then burped before laughing at himself making me laugh a little. " You silly boy" I said as I held him up then kissed his forehead before laying him down and tucking his covers up to his neck.

Before walking out I checked both baby monitors to make sure they were both on then went ahead and changed Jai'mere diaper for the last time until he wakes up to be fed later in the morning. After I finished I kissed his forehead and tucked him in the same as Jaylon. By the time I cracked the door half way Jaylon was losing the battle of fighting his sleep and slowed down his baby talk to himself. I laughed a little to myself as I walked to Mari's room to check if she's still asleep or not. I peeped in and sure enough she was out cold with one foot hanging over the bed. I kissed her forehead as well and cracked her door before walking back to my own room.

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