Don't procrastinate on your desire to commit - unknown
Excuse all mistakes
-Good Vibes and Laughs , Part 2-
Marcus's POV -
As soon as we got to the hotel I pulled up to a front parking spot and parked as close to the door as Possible. "Layla wake up" I said lightly tapping her leg "Huh" she said half asleep . "Come on get up" I said tapping her leg a few times "Okay in a minute baby". I laughed a little at myself realizing this was Mari's twin when it came to being in a deep sleep because they was exactly alike in that department . After getting to that realization I knew she wasn't waking up because Mari does the EXACT same thing. She won't be up until she's good and ready to or until the baby up. I guess I'm carrying her to the room .
Unlocking the door and cutting the car off. I mentally dapped myself up for not packing us a bag I'm just going to take her to an outlet and mall and let her ball out with my card a little for some new things for this little few days . As soon as I had her comfortably, in my arms without harming her stomach I closed the door and pressed the button on my key ring to lock it .
After checking us in and getting the keys to our room I got onto the elevator and pressed the button for the 3rd floor. It being such a short ride I was glad Layla had stopped snoring by the time I got her into the room and softly laid her into bed . I grabbed her shoes and slide them off her feet leaving her socks on . Satisfied with my work I took off my own shoes and slid my jeans off revealing my red basketball shorts. I climbed into my side of the bed and laid down a far enough distance for Layla not to feel uncomfortable if she woke up sometime tonight.
It was going on four - thirty in the morning and I was exhausted so after checking on a few things and making sure everybody was where they should be I turned my phone on silent and sat it on the side table. Turning over and staring at the ceiling with my hand behind my head I thought out the days plans for tomorrow , I didn't exactly have ALOT of it planned ahead but I definitely had something in mind. I just want her to have as much fun as she can and for us to continue working towards a relationship before she's on mommy duty with the baby twenty four/ seven.
Honestly I still cant even believe that I'm a father .. I mean don't get me wrong I've been loving every second of it but I do have my doubts about all this.. The baby and Us all together.. Its like I went to sleep one night a single man making my money and counting my money.. messing around with whoever I wanted .. Then I wake up and Gods like here's a family and kids, go be a daddy WHILE you count and make money.. It was all kind of crazy , them popping into my life unexpected but I wouldn't change it ever. Getting tired of thinking about everything I closed my eyes tired from fighting sleep and let it take over my mind..
9am the next morning -
"Dad ! Dad ! Daddy where are you daddy !?" Zamari yelled as she banged on a door. She sat in a dark room along with her unconscious mother.. Scared out of her mind she kept banging until it opened and a blurred person rushed in and tried to drag her out "I want my mom !! Please stop I just want my mommy .." She screamed in her innocent yet shaky toddler voice as she managed to rip her hand out of the persons grip and run to Layla attempting to awake her. The person yelled as they got more aggravated with her struggles and walked over smacking her down against Layla then whispering something to her that shut her up to small whimpers. The person left as Loud screams from two babies erupted from the door that the person had entered from and Mari yelled "Where are my brudders meanie!" As another person , a girl entered and laughed as a pistol was pulled out. She closed the door and said "Tell your daddy I said Hi" before everything went black ----"I awoke startled from a dream I wish I never had .. Quickly sitting up on the bed I looked to the other side of the bed, seeing that she was still sound asleep I grabbed my phone and checked for any messages or calls from anyone . There was none. Taking a deep breathe and exhaling I got up and stretched before throwing my phone onto the bed and using the restroom.
Подростковая литератураLayla Hazel Brown has felt like all her life has been made up of a bunch of mistakes & every time she thinks it might get better she makes another mistake. One night after she goes too a party she meets a dude named Marcus and ends up having a "One...