chapter seven

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Regulus should have never let Ariel get a taste of his lips. Every time they crossed paths, the blond boy had the urge to kiss him but would obviously refrain himself until they were alone. And Regulus could see it in his eyes. And so very often, late at night, their chat sessions would turn into kissing sessions. And Regulus was pleased by that. It seemed like Ariel had quickly got used to this. He wasn't repressing his wants, from the beginning it had been like that, and now whenever he wanted to kiss the youngest, he would do so. Their second real kiss was rather surprising for the raven-haired boy; he hadn't expected this to come so soon, and to became an habit of them. Still after several times, it felt foreign, new, but highly pleasant. As for Ariel, it was like the most natural thing to do. He was even being too at ease that they almost got caught many times. At moments, Regulus had to push him away, sensing someone was approaching them.

"You should be more careful, we could get caught..." had sighed the youngest while the blond boy still had his carefree attitude.

"It won't happen. Because you're too careful," replied Ariel while chuckling.

"We have to be both careful. Or one day someone will know," he said in a scolding manner.

"I don't even care," muttered Ariel exasperated. Or maybe he cared, but acted as if he didn't. But obviously he would rather say that since a part of him hated hiding like this, hiding who he was, but he knew he had no choice.

This whole new step in their relationship was never mentioned between them. They unconsciously both chose to go along with the flow, let their feelings build up as their relationship evolve and most importantly doing what they liked. They really didn't feel the need to talk more about this. At least now, Regulus truly felt special. He knew Ariel wouldn't be kissing anyone like this, especially since they would mostly spend their free time together. There was a slight change in Ariel's behavior as well. He was getting disinterested in flirting with girls. He wouldn't stop, but to him it wasn't as entertaining anymore. However, sharing a secret with Regulus was fun and exciting, even though it was much more serious. Sometimes he surely would rather show the world how much he appreciated Regulus, and sometimes he would rather hide with him in their own world.

"Here you are. I was looking for you everywhere," said Ariel one afternoon as he joined Regulus at a table in the library.

"I'm sorry that I have a life that doesn't consist of lazing around," replied in a bored voice Regulus, not looking up from the work he was doing.

"What are you doing. Oh wait," as he said that, he looked above the boy's shoulder, making him stop every movement. "You're studying for your O.W.L.s, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. So don't bother me," he hissed while pushing him away.

"You love when I bother you," murmured the blond boy teasingly and Regulus let out an exasperated sigh making the other laugh. "Okay sorry. I'll get myself busy."

He got up then, and the younger boy stared up at him, watched him move around until he arrived at the librarian's desk.

"Good afternoon Madam Pince. I apologize for bothering you, but I was wondering if I could borrow a book or two from the restricted section for my upcoming Defense Against the Dark Arts essay, please," he told the woman, honey dripping from his voice, as he offered her one of his charming smiles.

The librarian completely enchanted quickly replied, "Yes, of course Mr Malfoy, if it is necessary."

Regulus watched the exchange, slightly amazed by the act before going back to work. Ariel came back some minutes later with more than two books in his arms.

"I was wondering how you could borrow these books hm..." murmured Regulus.

"With my angelic looks of course," chuckled the boy in return and the raven-haired boy rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you can do that too. You look cute and serious in your work."

He didn't say anything upon hearing the word 'cute' and replied, "I'll probably try then."

"I make a stock for the summer holidays, I'll give some to you if you're interested."

"Yes, I could be. Wait... will we be meeting over the holidays?" curiously asked the boy as he stopped writing.

"Of course we will!" exclaimed the blond boy. Then, getting closer to Regulus, until his lips reached his ear, he whispered in a deep, bewitching voice, "Do you really think I can stay away from you? That's just impossible..."

"...No, you're right..." answered the boy, in a just as inaudible voice.

"You'll get news from me soon enough, I won't forget you don't worry." And he got up afterwards, his books floating in the air. He sent the youngest a smile before leaving him. And the boy could take the time to calm down the sensations Ariel had awoken in him with just a whisper of his voice, and perfectly chosen words. And so for once, Regulus impatiently awaited the holidays. It was only a matter of a few days before he could finally enjoy his time with Ariel.

And obviously the days felt long, way too long. Regulus was getting a hard time focusing on his O.W.L.s studying. He was rather confident when he took the exams but he couldn't help thinking he could have done better if he didn't have such pestering thoughts reminding him of how great holidays would be for him. Even when Ariel wasn't physically distracting him, he was still the reason for his distraction. Because the blond boy, rather than annoying the youngest, would be sending him words of encouragement, never missing a chance to boast his confidence and tell him how much he trusted his capacities and such. It was the first time ever someone was being so caring towards Regulus and so it didn't only distract his thoughts, in a way it did help him a lot; more than he thought it would.

And so, once every exam was over, he didn't miss a chance to tell Ariel how grateful he was.

"I just wanted to thank you for cheering on me the whole time. It helped a lot."

"It's normal. It's words I, myself, would have loved to hear when I took my O.W.L.s, so I thought you would like to hear that."

"You thought correctly. I'm not used to getting such encouragements," said Regulus, laughing bitterly as he thought about his family.

"I can guess yeah. But don't worry, I'm here if you need to hear anything," answered the boy with a bright smile. He looked genuinely happy about being able to help Regulus, and compliment him as well.

For the last days of school, Regulus and Ariel stayed together, just enjoying each other's presence. They would barely stay with their housemates anymore and many of them seemed to be thinking they were talking about things related to the Dark Lord the meantime. Sure they had talked about him from time to time, but they also talked about many other things and shared some affection with each other. Ariel laughed when he heard Regulus said this. As if Lord Voldemort would be the only subject of discussion they could have. Surely he was an interesting character but they had so much more to talk about. And sometimes, they would just be reading together the books Ariel had borrowed and discussing about them.

Ariel didn't regret getting close to Regulus in the first place because he had heard about him being intelligent. Still after months, he was so interested in hearing his points of view, his theories, his reflections. He would never get bored of hearing him talk.

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