chapter twenty-four

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"I had missed you..." whispered Ariel in Regulus' ear as he sat down by his side in the morning, making the younger boy almost choke on his orange juice as it was the thing he expected the least to hear first thing in the morning.

The blond boy refrained himself from chuckling as he caressed his back softly to help him calm down.

"We see each other everyday though..." faintly answered the younger boy.

He was glad it was Monday morning and that people were arriving to the Great Hall with some difficulty. Nobody was surrounding them at the moment.

"It wasn't enough and you know it. You definitely know it," teasingly murmured the blond boy, making Regulus blush. He hid himself behind his glass of orange juice.

"Anyway you look awful."

Ariel was at first surprised by the words before he groaned in annoyance. "I know, no need to point it out. I didn't get enough sleep okay..."

The night had been shorter than usual for them. It was only after staying in each other's arms for a long while that they both decided to go back to their bedrooms to sleep. Which was only a short amount of time ago, a few hours that went by way too quickly for the blond boy. However the lack of sleep didn't seem to affect the younger boy. Dark circles were usually painting his face but he looked brighter than usual that day. Shining silver eyes and the ghost of a smile drawn on his pink lips; Ariel couldn't help but be contemplative of this sight.

School had started one month ago which meant it was already the time to attend one of Slug Club's dinners. Regulus had literally dragged Ariel to the place, claiming it would be a great disappointment for Slughorn if he didn't show up despite Ariel's complaints. Regulus was a boy who followed orders rather well, very docile and disciplined, and if a professor was asking for his presence he wouldn't refuse. Unlike Ariel who had already skipped some of those boring dinners in the past. Ariel had no problem skipping those dinners but he couldn't say no to Regulus. He did not want to, he could not do it. He could surely try but he knew he would end up saying yes instead. And that was how strong Regulus' effect was on him, more influencing than he would have thought.

Since school had started, Quidditch season had also started again. Ariel kept on betting at every match, and never bet on Gryffindor as he said it would be a dishonor to his house. He often ended up losing in this case but he didn't care. Regulus often ended up making fun of him, and he did care. He was never as confident as when Slytherin was competing. He was glad that year they had already won against both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. And as it was often the case, the finale was set to be between Gryffindor and Slytherin. People had no doubt Gryffindor would also win its match against Hufflepuff after winning against Ravenclaw. They were always the favorites and always the winning team.

When snow started to melt, bets started to be made.

"Reg, please just this year, my last year, make Slytherin win," told him Ariel, one afternoon at the beginning of March.

"You know, I'm not alone in this team," answered the younger boy, not looking up from the Charms essay he was writing.

"Yes but you could save us. You know you're the only one who can make a change. Just try, please."

The blond boy had a hopeful glint in his eyes, as well as an innocent, begging smile on his lips. He looked so angelic in Regulus' eyes that he stayed admiring him for a few seconds before he remembered his personality was far from being angelic and that he was also pestering him at the moment.

He sighed, resigned, "I'll do my best. I always do my best but, you know what I mean..."

"You're the best. I'll share my treasure with you when I'll win," excitedly replied the boy, hugging him close with one arm. "I trust you, don't forget."

How could he forget, it was one of the things he had appreciated the most coming from Ariel. He trusted him and he was probably one of the rarest people in his life that Ariel trusted along with Narcissa and his mother, he thought. And so because it was Ariel, and because of these words, Regulus felt an unknown force in him. He didn't want to just win anymore, he wanted to do well for Ariel, to make him happy. And he had never been so motivated.

"How much did you bet?" asked Regulus the morning of the match, mid-April.

"25 Galleons this time, with a bunch of Gryffindors. Which includes your brother," replied Ariel as he started eating some toast.

"You made a bet with Sirius? I thought you disliked him."

"I do. That's why I bet with him, it'll be funnier if we win. I wonder how he found the money though."

"My uncle Alphard, probably."

"How nice. If I ever meet him, I'll thank him for the 25 Galleons I'll earn," said smugly the boy.

That day, the crowd of supporters was wild. Ariel was wild too. He was so proud of his house since he knew how strong they were. He screamed louder each time Austin Wilkes scored a point. It was one of the rarest time when he was proud to have him as his acquittance. His eyes would mostly monitor Regulus, flying so fast on his broomstick, he was so graceful, Ariel was admirative of the boy. When his hand grabbed the Golden snitch, the blond boy cheered so loud, mixing his shouts to the shouts of his housemates. He felt so proud of Regulus especially at this moment. He had never doubted his skills and it was just a proof of talent. Even the boy looked proud of himself when he received the congratulations of his teacher and the cheers of his teammates. Ariel couldn't wait to congratulate him as well.

As expected, Sirius Black was fuming when he met with him after the match. Ariel approached him slowly, a smug smirk on his face. The Gryffindor was accompanied by his housemates, Frank Longbottom and Peter Pettigrew who had made the bet with him. Ariel sent them some snarky remarks about Slytherin's well-deserved victory and they just looked more irritated. They quickly ran away from him after giving him his due, satisfying the blond boy.

He had to wait for a little while again before finally being able to congratulate Regulus properly. Slytherin organized a party that night and he took the opportunity to have a few words with him while the rest of their housemates were celebrating excitedly.

"You did so well today, I'm very proud of you," murmured Ariel as he let one of his arms grab a hold of the younger boy's shoulders. His other hand was holding a glass of Firewhisky, Regulus doing the same.

He gave him a small, almost timid smile as he looked up at him. "Thanks. I hope you earned a lot."

"I did. Here you deserve some too for playing so well," quickly added the boy as he let a good amount of Galleons fall into Regulus' pocket.

"You don't have to. It's yours," answered the raven-haired boy with a frown.

"But I want to. Buy new Quidditch supplies with that, or sweets at Hogsmeade, or whatever pleases you."

Regulus let out a little chuckle as he said, "You know I only eat the sweets you bring me back as I never go."

"That's true. Next year buy some then."

"Next year... I can buy some and send them to you so you don't forget Hogwarts..." he said, thoughtful.

"How nice of you," he said with a little amused smile, while looking at him.

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