chapter twenty

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Memories of that moment shared together still vivid on their minds. The boys were slowly coming back to their senses, feeling every sensation more clearly in their bodies. They were still sweaty and panting, even still holding each other. Fingers interlocked between them, they were lying on their backs, staring up at the ceiling.

Suddenly, Ariel straightened up to sit on the bed. He unlocked the hold he had on Regulus' hand and turned around to grab his wand on the bedside table. With a wave of it, he opened the large window facing the just as large bed. He needed to cool down. The room felt too hot to bear it, even though it seemed much more bearable some moments earlier. He then grabbed a pack of cigarettes in his drawer, bringing one to his lips that he lit up with his wand.

Taking a puff, somehow helped him calm down. He took another puff and surprisingly felt a light caress on his bare back which made him shiver. The blond boy let his blue eyes take a look behind him. Regulus was now lying on his side, the blanket covering the lower part of his body. And he looked incredibly handsome. He gazed at the older boy before reaching out to his hand, the one holding the cigarette. Ariel watched him take a hold of it, and watched as he brought it to his lips, taking a puff as well. He coughed a little, unsurprisingly, and Ariel smiled.

"What are you doing, silly."

"Like you," he whispered with a surprisingly raspy voice.

The boy chuckled and shrugged, "Do as you want."

He took back a hold of the cigarette to take another puff of smoke before placing it in between the younger boy's lips. He accepted it and took another puff that made him cough again. He then laid on his stomach, letting his elbows support him. Ariel stared at his beautiful back and went to lay back at his side. A few kisses were placed on his skin, going from in between his shoulder blades, gliding down his spine, to the top of his buttocks.

Regulus could feel his whole body relax under such tender touches. He took another puff of smoke before whispering.

"Do you think your parents hm... heard us?" he asked, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

Ariel laughed and went to face him. "You think they did? I don't think it was that loud, don't worry. Next time I'll put a muting charm on the walls if it can reassure you."

His blue eyes stared intently at him, and he smiled. Regulus placed the cigarette between his lips and Ariel smoked the rest of it. "Did you enjoy?"

"Yes, I did."

"I'm glad, that's what I wanted. I hope it doesn't hurt anymore. It was never my intention."

"It's fine. It was expected. But instead of talking about this, I wanna know, did you enjoy?"

"Yes. A lot."

"That's good then," he said, lying his face on the pillow to look at him.

Ariel brought up his hand to his hair, caressing it slowly while looking back at him. "You look tired little baby."

Regulus felt a blush creep up his face and he turned around to hide himself in the pillow. "Don't call me such things," said his muffled voice.

"You lost your innocence but you still look cute though," chuckled the older boy.

Ariel was glad having sex didn't change them. They were still two boys with an even more complex relationship, but definitely happier than ever.

"I'm actually sleepy," murmured Regulus, looking at Ariel again, his eyelids already half-closed.

"It's late. We should sleep. Good night," murmured the older boy while bringing Regulus' body closer.

He placed a kiss on his forehead and silently gazed at him while he was falling asleep in his arms. For Ariel, it felt like a moment he should cherish.

Regulus got woken up by wet kisses on his neck and shoulder in the morning. It felt like it had been lasting for a while before he finally started feeling the tingly sensation on his skin. He shivered, and it was a sign he was waking up, making Ariel smile.

The younger boy started moving around, then tried to open his eyes but the daylight was blinding him so he hid under his pillow and Ariel continued smiling.

"I forgot you were always this clingy in the morning," groaned the boy.

"Don't act like you dislike it," teasingly murmured Ariel as his fingers started caressing up and down his slightly exposed back. It felt so soft.

Regulus mumbled something in return that Ariel didn't catch but he smiled nonetheless. He let him go back to sleep while continuing his light caresses which he could guess lulled the younger boy.

The blond boy had been awake for a while and didn't feel like sleeping anymore. He just stared at Regulus' sleeping form, lost in his thoughts. Only his light snoring broke the quiet of the room.

He remembered the past night, again, like he had been doing for the past hour or so. The memories brought a sensation of happiness in his chest. It felt so good. But he felt even better when he remembered Regulus' words. 'I love you Ariel...' his voice was still resonating in his head. Regulus loved him. He wasn't surprised, but hearing it felt nice. Very nice.

The feeling of contentment was washed away as he remembered that was maybe a mistake. He couldn't help thinking about the world they lived in. Their relationship was forbidden and he knew it. Maybe it would bring pain and sadness upon them but it was too late, and he knew it as well. But he would do his best to make it work, as much as he could and as close it could be to work. And maybe they would find happiness in this. He could only hope so. For once in his life, he realized future wasn't totally expectable, a part of mystery remained for Ariel and Regulus if they chose to stay close and keep going on the way they both chose.

After an hour or so, Regulus awoke again. Ariel watched him as he stirred awake slowly, a fond smile on his face. It was a sight he had always enjoyed witnessing. The younger boy, sat up in the bed, making the blanket slide down his torso and when he turned around to face Ariel, a chuckle escaped the older boy.

"I guess I really enjoyed this," he murmured with a smirk as he let his finger trace its way from Regulus' neck, down his torso and to his hip bone where purplish marks remained there from the night before.

And the younger boy looked down at himself, discovering the sight with shock. "Ariel, what kind a wild beast are you..."

And this comment made Ariel laugh before he became somehow serious again. He watched with a smile as the boy got up from the bed to gather his clothes on the floor, and he obviously caught the dreamy stare of Ariel.


"You're too fucking pretty for this damn world."

And Regulus blushed, making Ariel laugh. Feeling suddenly aware of his condition the raven-haired boy started dressing up. Even though Ariel had made him so comfortable and at ease some moments earlier, he was still much more timid about nudity than him. And Ariel knew it.

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