chapter forty-two

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"Have you been staring at me the whole night?" asked Regulus when he woke up after a few hours, noticing the boy's blue eyes still open and looking at him.

"No," answered Ariel just very quietly.

"Are you lying?"

"No," he said again, but this time the corners of his lips twitched up into a light grin.

It was still the middle of the night but Regulus didn't go back to sleep. And Ariel just stayed awake as well. They knew it was only a matter of a few hours before they had to leave. So they embraced each other for their remaining time together, in this room, and let the seconds pass, way too quickly they soon realized.

"We're two tragic lovers Ariel."


"You remember, that Muggle book. We're them."

His words resonated in Ariel, in his mind and body. It was the last thing he said until the morning.

Ariel had just finished writing letters to Ivanna, Narcissa, Daisy and to his mother when Kreacher apparated in their room. The poor elf was shaking, clearly not anticipating this trip as the trauma was still present.

"I'll give them to Daisy, you're coming?" asked the blond boy. Regulus nodded, following him. He had not uttered a single word ever since their last exchange, when he woke up some hours ago. Ariel could see he was focused but also nervous.

Daisy was sitting on her bed, her limbs shaking anxiously. She was wearing her nightgown but the older boy doubted she had even slept for a few minutes.

"So, you're ready?" she said, quickly standing up when the boys entered her bedroom.

Ariel nodded and stared at her. She was fighting back tears as she approached him, opening her arms to hug him. She cried in his embrace. He patted her back and whispered sweet and sincere words in her ear, "Thank you for being there for me and for helping us. Thank you for everything, you made me grow."

It was the truth, a truth she was hearing for the first time. Ever since they became close, Ariel learned from her and became mature. He was very thankful to have had her by his side in his worst times, he somehow felt guilty for not telling her sooner.

The girl hugged Regulus just as tight. Even if they had not spent as much time together as with Ariel, they had become very close. The connection was strong and intent between them and they a lot cared about each other.

"Thank you for everything Daisy," told her Regulus as well.

"I may not have told you but you're like a little brother for me. I love you. Both of you," she said, turning towards Ariel at the end.

"Take care of you, don't forget us," were Ariel's last words before him and Regulus disappeared from her bedroom. Their last memory of the girl was heartbreaking, but they knew that they had shared so much more together.

Kreacher side-apparated with the boys right into the cave. They had discussed and had found it more convenient to apparate right inside instead of doing the first steps.

"It's so dark, we can't see anything," whispered Regulus as he looked around, trying to perceive anything but in vain.

They were on the rocky island in the middle of the lake like had described Kreacher with his confused memory, but it looked just the same.

"There it is. The locket," said Ariel leaning his head forward to take a look at the locket immerged in the glowing potion, analyzing it as best as he could. He retrieved his own locket from inside his pocket, did some modifications. He would have never thought McGonagall's lessons would be put in use for this reason, but he was glad he hadn't skipped any of her classes.

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