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Dear Ivanna,

I will not dwell on this too long and will be honest with you right away.

If you are reading this, it means that I am not part of this world anymore. It is true that I am very funny, but no Ivanna, this is not a joke and I am deeply sorry.

I know you love me a lot but do not be sad please, that is surely not like you to cry over someone. Because you are so strong. You would never cry over a man. But I will not be mad at you if you shed a few tears even if I would rather want you to have that bright smile of yours stuck on your face right now.

And if you are smiling, I guess it will be hard to keep that smile now that I announce you Regulus died too.

This is rather hard to explain, but know that we died with a purpose and that it was the only way.

You must have been confused when Regulus bid farewell, but now you understand what it meant. I am glad he spent his last moments alive in your pleasant and entertaining company. He may not have looked like it, but in the end he really appreciated you. It took time yes, but he truly did. And I did too.

You were the most interesting person I met in Hogwarts. From the moment Silas introduced us, I found in you a great friend, that grew into one of my most precious and unique friends.

We were meant to be friends I am sure of this. I laughed with you more than I laughed with anyone else. You made my first years at Hogwarts more enjoyable than it could have been. You were so different from everyone else and that was why I loved you and I love you.

Now that you are out of Hogwarts, enjoy your free time because I know how much you hated studying. And if you still want to be lazy, do as you wish, be who you want to be, do not let anyone, especially the people of our community tell you what you should or should not do. You are a smart and powerful girl that can do whatever she wants to do and I admire you for that.

Take care of you,


PS: next time you drink firewhisky, remember me, in honor of the first time I made you drink

Dear Cissy,

You have not heard about me in so long and I apologize. And I apologize once again as this will be the last time you hear about me.

I wrote this just before my death as I could not leave without saying goodbye. And Regulus left with me. We left together. I took your precious cousin away from you, I hope you will forgive me for this.

Maybe I have never told you that but you meant a lot to me. You were like a sister to me, more than Lucius has been a brother to me. You took care of me, helped me, laughed with me, you were my confidant and I am so grateful I had you in my life. Even if it was for a short time. And maybe it is for the best. You know that I probably would not have been happy if things had turned out different. I am glad I died choosing my fate, with the person I loved the most.

Thank you always for being there for me.

I love you,


My dear Mother,

This is your son, Ariel, and I apologize in advance for what I am about to tell you. If you are reading this, it means that I left this world. I hate myself for the pain you must be feeling but it had to happen.

Sorry for not spending more time with you and for not being the son you wished I was.

Sorry for not showing you how much I loved you and how much I was thankful towards you. You deserved so much more.

Thank you for everything, you made me the man I am now. Thank you for accepting me and loving me as I am. Thank you for always defending me in front of Father and Lucius. If it was not for you, maybe I would have been gone a long time ago. Just know that all this time, I lived for you, I surpassed obstacles just for you, just because I wanted you to be happy. And I am once again sorry because I know how much you love me and how much pain I am causing you. What a shame of a son I am, am I not? I am not as perfect as you thought I were but you raised me well and I am honored to die for a good cause.

I guess it is too late to say it now, but I love you Mother.

Take care of you,


My dear Daisy,

Eight months that we have been living together and I feel like I barely know you. I have missed so many opportunities to discover the real you and I sincerely apologize. If I had not been so stubborn and so stupid, I would have discovered way before what a wonderful person you are. Will you forgive me for the lost time? I hope you will. Nonetheless, we managed to spend great moments together these past few months, we laughed and cried together, we opened up to each other and grew together. Especially I, as you were already mature while I was still a child. I have never been as grateful as I am towards you. You know it already, how much you mean to me, but it is never too late to admit it one last time.

We barely mentioned it but you will leave right? Free yourself, raise your daughter the way you want it, marry Gideon. Forget the Malfoys, forget your own family, it is not every day that the fiancé you have never loved is meant to die. This is your chance to live with the one you love, to have the family you have always wished for and not the one you wanted to build for your parents' satisfaction. Be a little selfish for once, like I am, and do what your heart tells you to do.

Thank you for being there for me when I needed comfort, thank you for making me grow, thank you for accepting me as I am and never judging me and who I love. I hope you will find the happiness you have been longing for. You deserve it.

I love you forever,


author's note: i hope you like this special chapter, i thought it was important </3 

(btw thanks to the person who mentioned it last time, i'm writing something more, some sort of epilogue, i got inspiration)

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