chapter eight

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The holidays had finally come. And one of the first things Ariel mentioned to his parents was what close friends him and Regulus Black had become. His father was very satisfied to hear about this, claiming the Blacks were such a proper, noble and respectful family. Ariel could only agree. Together, they had had long discussions about the importance of purebloods and how they had to preserve this purity and preciosity. And now they could as well talk about what good people the Blacks were, with having Narcissa in their family and being friends with them. Ariel was so good at speaking that even his father seemed somehow fascinated by his words.

That same night, just some hours after getting back home, Ariel went up to his mother's study. His mother wasn't working obviously considering how full their vault at Gringotts was, but she had a room for herself where she could study, read, and where her and Ariel could talk together.

The boy knocked on the door while saying, "I'm coming in, Mother."

"Oh, Ariel, come sit there," she said, patting the spot at her side.

She removed her glasses and put down her book on the table. Martha Malfoy was a woman in her forties. And she too had blond hair, although not as white as her husband and sons', and her eyes weren't exactly the same blue as well, but she had the same delicate features as Ariel.

"Your father seemed very delighted to hear about your friendship with the Black boy. And from what I noticed you love talking about him," murmured his mother with a small smile tugged on her lips.

Ariel let out a chuckle before sighing. "Yes, I can't really hide it."

"I'm glad you have friends that count so much for you. I'm sure he's a good boy."

"He is. And he's so smart and interesting too and so..." he trailed off, and didn't finish his sentence. He had too much things to say about him, he realized it now. "I'm inviting him over for the holidays anyway, maybe you'll be able to talk to him."

"I'm sorry darling, your father and I are leaving for yet another trip to visit the family. But we will surely meet him at a party."

The usual. He wasn't even surprised anymore. Truth was that he didn't care, it would only make his holidays more enjoyable. Even though he would miss his mother.

In the Black household, it was no surprise for Regulus to see his parents very enthusiastic regarding Ariel Malfoy when he mentioned him. They loved pureblood families, and were especially good friends with the Malfoys since Narcissa and Lucius' wedding.

"I think Narcissa loves him! And he's a good boy from what Lucius told me... although he lacks interest for girls," said his mother, the last part not sounding too enthusiastic anymore.

"It's not that important. He's still at school. He'll surely find the perfect wife to marry in the next months or years," replied his father. And Regulus hated hearing about that, but it was the truth. It was his reality as well, unfortunately.

The next day, the first thing Ariel did when he woke up was writing a letter to Regulus.

'My dear Regulus,

It has only been a few hours ever since we got separated but I would not be honest if I said I did not long to be in your presence again. I crave for your touch, warmth and delicious kisses. I wish so badly I could see you again!

I think about you and you only. You are now my biggest distraction and I cannot get bored of  thinking of you and everything I love about you.

I invite you to my house, whenever you can or whenever you want, just accept this invitation please, so we can be together again.

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