chapter twenty-six

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TW : homophobia and acts of violence

Days passed by without Regulus nor Ariel bringing up the incident of Ivanna Flint catching them making out in an empty hallway. However, the girl hadn't stopped pestering the young boy with this. She was being more annoying than ever he would say. And one day, he felt really fed up, so he couldn't help mentioning it as well as his suspicions to Ariel.

"Flint is really being a pain. I can't bear her anymore," muttered the boy as he came to sit by Ariel's side in the library. The boy was currently finishing his DADA essay due for the next day.

"How come? Ivanna is so sweet," he said, his eyes unwavering from the sheet of parchment.

"Because you aren't the one being harassed," sighed the boy.

"What do you call harassing?"

"She keeps bringing up the... incident... and she teases me, knowing I can lose my temper easily because of this..." he murmured, feeling suddenly embarrassed.

"Hm, I see. Sounds like fun," casually answers the blond boy, without looking up.

"Are you being serious? You like making fun of me too! Anyway, you know I get suspicious of her. I can't trust someone like Flint, she's always gossiping and most of the time she's also the one who spread the rumors in the first place."

"She's not that bad," chuckled the boy, "sure she likes gossiping, but I personally trust her."

"Well you shouldn't. I know her better than you."

However some times later, Ariel started wondering if he hadn't been wrong. More and more he was hearing about Regulus, from all sides. It still happened rarely but it felt like a lot as people usually didn't talk about Regulus Black. He was just Regulus Black, now unique heir of the infamous Black family but there was nothing more to say about him, just like there was nothing to say about other students. So that was the reason it felt strange to hear his name being mentioned from time to time, in the corridors, at the library, even in class. He seriously wondered what could be said about him.

By May, he thought whatever was going on with Regulus had died down until things got worse. One evening, as Ariel was studying in the common room with some fifth-years and fellow seventh-years preparing for their exams, Regulus entered the room, seemingly in a rush. He didn't really catch the attention of anyone except Ariel. The blond boy stood up quickly before starting to follow him to his room, not caring to bring his stuff with him. He didn't bother knocking on the door neither, and just entered the room. He was met with the sight of a bleeding Regulus. Blood was running down his nose even though he was trying to stop it with some tissues. Ariel just observed him for a few seconds, before walking up to him.

He stared at him seriously then asked, "What happened?"

"Nosebleed," he muttered, looking away.

Ariel's stare turned more severe as he brought his face closer by his hand, almost too roughly and it made the younger boy wince in pain. The cold and stern blue eyes of the blond boy analyzed his face, quickly discovering a cut lip and a bruised cheek. He then, way more softly, made Regulus bend his head a little while using his other hand to make appear more tissues with his wand. He led him to the bed, and waited until the nosebleed stopped.

"Will you tell me what happened now? Or should I heal your injuries before?"

His voice was cold as well, barely not one emotion hearable, except an ounce of anger he tried hard to contain.

Regulus didn't say a word as he lifted up his head and removed the blood-stained tissues, signaling he was waiting to be healed. He was still not meeting Ariel's stare in the meantime, keeping his grey eyes to the floor.

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