chapter fifteen

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Cigarette in one hand, Firewhisky in the other, a huge smirk plastered on his face, Ariel was hosting his own little party aside from the other partiers. Girls from third to seventh-year were surrounding him, lapping up every word getting out of his mouth, regarding him as if he was a god.

Regulus was watching from afar with some other boys who weren't partying much. He had just come back from his prefect duties.

"Damnit, I wonder how he gets all the girls head over heels in love with him," groaned Austin Wilkes as he observed the scene, looking sulky.

"And he isn't dating any of them yet. Imagine having such a gorgeous chick like Amalia Montague drooling over you and not making a move," whined Harold Nott after him.

"You two being so close, didn't he tell you about his preferences? Who does he fancy hm?" asked Evan Rosier to Regulus while nudging him with a small smile.

"Sorry to disappoint but he did not," answered the boy in a bored voice, his eyes still fixed upon Ariel who had noticed his stare a while ago.

Obviously Regulus knew about his preferences, and he also knew it was not among those hopeful and avid girls. But he couldn't possibly open up about this, about them. This had to remain a secret and it would forever remain a secret. Both Ariel and Regulus were so respected in their house as their families were very ancient and proper families, they couldn't shame their names by talking so foolishly about what they shared together whether it was physically or emotionally.

"The guys asked about your preferences," started Regulus after a few moments of silence, later that night.

Ariel, who was sitting by his side on the sofa, wearing his white shirt with the first few buttons undid and letting out a puff of as white smoke, snorted at this. "And you told them?"

"Are you crazy. I can't, you know."

"I know you can't," murmured Ariel while fixing the ceiling of their common room disappearing from his sight as he let out another puff of smoke. "And that's sad."

"They really wondered if you had a crush on one of the girls. Wilkes bet on Goyle."

Ariel roared hearing this before saying these words, "Well he's stupid. For thinking I would ever get a crush on a stupid girl like her. They are all stupid. The guys. Those girls."

"I know."

"As if I would ever like a girl. Girls are only weak, naive and stupid. All they think about is their love life and if they look good. And if they are not naive they are bitchy."

"You hate girls?"

"Yes. Except for my mother. And Narcissa."

"Narcissa is good yes."

"I know I'll eventually have to live with a girl. Get married and such. Being homosexual won't change a thing."

"I'll have to do it too."

The blond boy turned his head towards Regulus, stared at him for a while before repeating the words, "That's sad."

The image of Regulus being married was disgusting in his mind. He didn't want to leave the boy between the hands of a stupid woman.

"Reality is sad."

"I don't understand why I have to bear this duty. Lucius was born for a reason."

"I personally don't have a choice," he simply stated, not showing pride or appreciation to his role.

And the older boy thought about his words, realizing he had duties he wasn't even born for. "I hate this."

"Don't leave me alone in the future. Some girls are really insufferable, I can't bear them..."

And Ariel genuinely laughed at his words.

"That's not even an option, I can't leave you in the life of a cruel woman. They only want to get on your good side to end up being part of your family anyway. There's nothing good in women, especially the ones we know, I'm telling you," he said, sounding so sure of himself.

Regulus snickered a little as he heard this. To him, Ariel sounded more dramatic than anything else. Overreacting was something he enjoyed doing and Regulus knew it.

"I'm glad then," murmured the boy with a barely noticeable grin on his pink lips.

Ariel's blue sharp blue eyes stared at his side profile, admiring the shape of his jawline, chin, lips, nose... everything he could see and he smiled.

"Isn't it time to sleep?"

"You think so?" asked the boy in return, looking back at him now before lifting his gaze up to find the clock that was striking four. He didn't feel fatigue in Ariel's presence.

This had a been a big party and people stayed out until about three but Regulus and Ariel had felt like they wanted to stay together for another while.

"Entertaining the girls has exhausted me."

"Let's go to sleep then," replied Regulus as he got up.

Ariel got up right after him and grabbed his arm, making him turn around with a questioning look on his face.

"Good night kiss?" he innocently asked, contrasting with the smirk on his lips.

Regulus rolled his eyes at his words. "Go ahead."

His smirk got wider as he leaned in to steal a few kisses from Regulus, enjoying how responsive he was to his touch. This kind of interactions between them had become so rare in comparison to the amount of time they spent together in the summer but they had to act like nothing happened, like they were just housemates, friends. And so it was becoming more intoxicating every time they kissed and every time they touched. Ariel tried to ignore the burning feeling in his body before forcing himself to let go of these oh-so-delicate lips he liked to chew on tenderly. He was out of breath and left Regulus there without another word.

Ariel was puzzled. Disturbed even. Why was it so hard with Regulus. But why was it going so smoothly at the same time. Why was he denying and rejecting this. Why refusing to allow himself to feel such things, this undeniable attraction. The bare minimum coming from the boy made him enticed, thrilled. There was something about him. There was something between them. It was drawing them closer. It was exalting and frightening at the same time. But why was he afraid. And what was he so afraid of. Bonding. Getting attached, probably. He didn't want to. But could he ignore it longer. He couldn't. Such things had been present from the beginning and he couldn't refrain himself. Not before, not now, not after. For him and for Regulus as well. He didn't want it to happen. So he could stay away, abstaining himself from getting too close until they couldn't detach themselves from each other. He told the younger boy that he didn't want to take a new step in their relationship to protect this relationship, to let it grow slowly as it should. But he wanted to protect them as well. It was different from anything he had had before. This next step was usually the first and last one in everything he had alike to a relationship in the past. With what the two boys had built up during the past months, he knew that after this next step there would be no going back. Unlike the other times, this time would mean something. For Ariel. For Regulus as well. He knew it, he knew him and himself.

Ariel would stay away from the boy, as much as he could. He would try, even if the limit was possibly crossed already. He would step away from his life to reflect on their relationship a little more. It had to evolve in the best way possible, even if they couldn't go back to their friendly status, their relationship would turn in the best way it could. He would think and let fate use its power.

author's note: okay, you can hate on ariel NOW, i know he's a bit misogynistic, i hate him too sometimes, i literally want to insult him lol, but characters evolve fortunately :) (and that's why i love him so much)

anyway it's been a long time sorry, i'll be busy again, but i'll comeback with even better chapters!! thank you for reading, enjoy!

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