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The saltiness of the sea. The birds chirping from the trees where they bathe in the sunlight with their family. The soft comfort of the wind singing. The hot sand and warm water. This was home.
Children would dance in the sun, sing and play all day. You could see them running around playing in water and running on the sand with their friends under the warm embrace of the sunlight. The sunlight would wrap around you and keep your hopes high. It was a beautiful place. Why did it all have to go away...? No.... it never left. I can.... no... would fix this!

I was a survivor from Uzushiogakure. It was destroyed, or they thought it was, by three jealous villages. They came together to get rid of our home. They didn't trust us. Many people died that day. I was shoved into a place that have seals everywhere. All the children that the adults could push into the small space I was in would do it. After a while one of the adults activated the seals that were giving the walls of the fairly sized place. I finally realized what the seals did to us that day. They made us sleep many years so that we could survive and make Uzushio thrive again.

The buildings were destroyed, and no laughter filled the air. We made and set up seals with some of the left-over supplies that were there hidden from sight. We made seals to hide the ruins of Uzushio so that we could rebuild in peace. I went on a mission to find the prince of Uzushio and other Uzumaki's. Uzumaki's were what made up the residents of Uzushio. My red hair was concealed under a cloak hidden from sight.

I would buy materials and put them in seals when no one was looking. I would then give the seals to my crow who would deliver them to the other survivors. We knew what we must do. We were all friends, everyone in Uzushio got along. It seems as though time had changed everything. All the villages were filled with busy people, some filled with malice.

I ran though flower fields hearing the familiar buzzing of bees. Animals swarmed around me. I held no malice towards them, so they came. The sound of footsteps sounded behind me and I looked to find no one. Someone was here, they were concealed under a seal which was poorly made. This person was no Uzumaki. Uzumaki's were master seal makers and kind people. Who was this....?

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