Strange Masked Person???

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The person who was trying to hide from me was doing a great job... Kind of... You couldn't see them, but I could sense them because I was a sensor. Most Uzumaki's tended to be sensors.

The person in the mask had a small enough chakra reserve for a chunin rank ninja. The person was sticking out a bit and kind of sucked at hiding so I could see their mask. It was kind of plain and boring...

The animals ended up sensing the malice leaking from the person hiding in the tree and booked it. The person looked to be spying on me. They were wearing a headband that I recognized. It was a forehead protector which had the symbol of the village that our princess went to. What was it called again..? Oh, I believe it was called Konohagakure...!

I'm pretty sure that our heiress, Kushina, escaped after the attack on Uzushio. I hope she is alright, but I'm not sure... Kushina was a good person and we used to be friends. She tended to be very kind and caring.... Kushina also had a tendency to be very scary when mad... sometimes her hair floated behind her...

I started to make some flower crowns out of red flowers while I waited for the ninja to come out of hiding. After a while I went back to the village and saw some ninja about the same rank as the other ninja.

I think that ninja thought I was suspicious and spied on me or something. Maybe it was the small amount of red hair peaking out of my hood...? The citizens were buzzing with gossip and daily talk while I went around preparing to leave the village.

Me and the other kids were around 7-14. I was one of the oldest so I was the one traveling. I went to ninja villages and sold seals to make money. Surprisingly enough, my seals sold well and I was able to make a lot of money just from selling seals.

I had been in and graduated from the academy. The academy in Uzushio was very good and produced highly skilled genin. We knew the basics of almost everything and were well versed in the art of seals. We were about the mid chunin level of other villages. I could make good seals that would sell for a lot.

Using that money I bought materials for Uzushio's reconstruction. No one would really question what someone like me was doing buying this stuff. I got letter saying that they were doing better and started fixing some of the things in our village. This gave me hope that we could bring back Uzushio. I wished and hoped that we would be able to restore Uzushio to its former glory and power.

I was on the hunt for our prince. When we got Uzushio back up and running we were going to need a leader. I believe that kushina might have had kid so that was who I was looking for. I didn't want to go to Konoha but decided to in order to look for him. I just didn't want to go straight to Konoha without making more progress.

I tried not to wear shinobi clothes as to not draw attention to myself. On my way I bought some books on the basics of medicine and painting. After Uzushio was put back up I wanted to paint it to look like before.

I could hear the whistling of the wind and the chirping of the birds while I walked on the dirt path. I had heard that Sunagakure dealt with poisons and wanted to mix them with my seals.

I knew that once everyone knew Uzushio was back it would be in danger. Uzumaki's were feared because of our power and seals so we needed defenses.

(Edited on December 27th)

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