Unidentifyed Village

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I was still in the tree. I have no idea how long I was there for. It had started to rain and I was tired so I camped out in the tree. I was a light sleeper so I would have woken up if someone was near.

The people from the night before had entered the village in which I was planning to infiltrate. I had just woken up from my slumber to the light patter of the rain and the smell of morning dew.

I disguised myself as one of the villagers using a combination of what the people from the night before had looked like. With my red hair now hidden behind a disguise I now walked up to the village gate.

Waiting at the gate was a guard. He didn't seem to have much chakras or be very built so I assumed he was not very strong. "What are you doing here!?" The unnamed man asked aggressively. "I'm a traveler just passing through." A lie, of course. The man let me through with a smile now on his face. How stupid...

With the help of the dumb man I walked around the village. The villagers would give me a strange look as I passed. I don't think this place gets many villagers. The villagers were nice but some gave me a bad vibe.

It was strange to walk around this gloomy village and listening to the chirping of the birds and smelling the wonderful and stimulating smell of morning dew after a long rain (who doesn't love it??? Right..?). It quite a strange contrast to the gloomy look of everything. I noticed that while I walked the men were acting weird around the female residents.

While I was walking I saw a small cafe and wanted to get some much needed coffee. While I walked in I noticed the store was small but was well furnished for its location. A female was working at the counter and I ordered a coffee with a fair amount of sugar. After I paid and left a tip (the currency hasn't changed since I awoke) a male worker came and started belittling the nice female worker. No one else in the shop made a move against it and the females were kind of cowering.

I stepped in and glared at the man. He wasn't very muscular and was pretty scrawny so he cowered away fast. After I just picked up my now ready coffee and left the shop. I now understood the way this village worked and to say I wasn't okay or comfortable with it was a understatement.

While I was walking around I walked past a alleyway. It was a pretty shady alleyway (aren't they all -_-). It was dark and damp and I heard some muffled noises coming from it. I saw something shuffling around and went to check it out.

I saw some men looking like they are trying to rob a defenseless girl in the dim light. I looked at them and they looked at me. They looked like they were happy and relieved that it was a girl with a small frame instead of a man. That was the expression on the mens face.

I threw some punches and didn't use anything fancy as to not get flagged as a strong and suspicious person. I let the men win and they left before anything else would pop out to fight them. I had some minor injuries that I could treat, but the girl who I had saved made me go and have it looked at. Apparently, the wounds I had looked bad to the average civilian so I humored her and asked around the worried people for the way to the clinic.

When I got to the clinic I quickly noticed it was unhygienic and not of good quality. I walked up and the man behind the desk quickly lead me to a room located far in the back and was kind of isolated. For the reference most of the people in the village who were working were men. When I got the the back of the clinic I saw....

How was your guys day? I'm sorry that this is so late I was busy with school and was lazy. I didn't think anyway would actually try to read this story so I didn't update much. I'll try to come out with more updates if you guys like this book. Are any of you listening to music right now? If so what song?

-Author :3

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