Strange Encounter

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I'm just jumping from tree to tree like always when I travel from place to place. I stopped for a moment hearing the crunching of leaves and people talking. After a little bit I saw people that were traveling on the ground by foot. I pulled up my hood as to not be seen. My red hair tends to stick out causing me to be found easily.

They were holding weapons and looked hostile so I decided to not engage and just observe them. Who knows, they might know something about my clan that would help me on my journey. The group of people seemed to be looking for something or someone. When they turned around I got a good look at some of there faces, they looked quite mad and annoyed with something.

I listened to there conversation for a little bit longer and was about to leave when I heard something that confused me. They were talking about a healer with red hair that was back at their village. One of the people in their group had gotten hurt on the journey here and was talking about getting the person with red hair to heal them.

I figured that it could be an Uzumaki and didn't like the look in the guys eye when he talked about this healer. When the decided to finally leave I started to follow them. The wind was howling and the birds chirping. I think that it was going to rain soon so I got prepared.

It took a while to get to where they lived, which just happened to be a village. One person in the group talked about the village how it was so great. Unfortunately, I didn't hear them talk about the name of the village.

I was wondering about the fact that If there really was an Uzumaki here how did they get here? This place was pretty far form Uzushiogakure and was practically in the middle of no where. Just who was this Uzumaki?

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