Dynamic Duets

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"I thought all the seniors were doing the superhero thing." Marley commented, as she stood by her locker with Winnie, taking notice of the way she was wearing her usual very stylish clothes instead of the superhero outfits all of their friends seemed to be wearing.

"Nah." She shook her head. "Sam did ask me to, but, you know... I still have some self-respect."

Marley laughed, nodding her head as she looked back into her locker, before turning around again when Jake Puckerman approached the two girls, standing on Marley's other side with a charming smile on his face.

"So, are you jumping on this superhero bandwagon?" He asked, causing Marley to shake her head as she closed her locker.

"A club where you have to wear full-body spandex? Not really my thing."

"You'd look hot, though." Winnie said, as Marley blushed with a roll of her eyes as Jake only nodded.

"You would." He said. "But since you're not in the superhero club, does that mean you'll be free to hang out Friday night? You and me."

Marley gasped, turning to look at Winnie, who, after having sent Jake an amused look, just shrugged her shoulders at her friend.

"Hum... I..."

"Marley's got plans on Friday, dude." Ryder Lynn spoke up as he stepped up closer to the three of them before Marley could say anything. "The football team's got an away game at Lawrence, and I asked her if she'd come cheer us on."

At his words, Winnie frowned a little, turning to look at Marley as the only girl only shrugged.

"See, Jake, it's funny..." Ryder said, sounding very cocky out of the sudden and completely ignoring the girls as he turned to glare at Jake instead. "Girls don't like it when you make it seem like you're really into them and then totally blow them off."

"You know what, dude?" Jake scoffed, stepping closer to Ryder with ab glare of his own as Winnie sighed. That wasn't about to end well at all. "I don't remember asking for your opinion."

"Guys, don't do this." Marley pleaded, but it fell to deaf ears as Jake and Ryder continued to own up to one another.

"Whoa, you're really intimidating." Jake laughed when Ryder stepped closer to him. "Let me ask you a question... What kind of a name is Ryder Lynn anyway? 'Cause it sounds like your parents named you after a cowgirl doll who comes with her own pony."

"Look, man, I don't want any trouble." Ryder responded. "I know you're a badass. You want to know how I know you're such a badass? Because you ride a Razor scooter. Nothing says I'm a badass like a Razor scooter."

And just like that, the two boys were shoving one another as Winnie and Marley struggled to tear them away from one another.

"Guys, please, don't do this." They pleaded as they tried to push them apart while avoiding being hit in the process. "It... this is... this is stupid. Stop."

"Hey, hey, cut it out!" Finn yelled, coming up to them all as he finally got the two boys to step away from one another. "Stop. Come on, stop, stop it. Cut it out. Come on."

"I persuade you to stop fighting immediately." Tina yelled, standing beside Finn in her superhero costume with Becky beside her, also dressed as... Super Bee or something?

"Freeze, bitches." She told the boys, who were too busy glaring at one another to notice the weirdness of the situation around them.

"Thanks, Becky." Finn said, unsure on how to react. "Now, all of you, back to class and both you guys... Glee Club, 20 minutes."

Back-Up Plan - Book 3 - S.E.Where stories live. Discover now