Guilty pleasures

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"Why are we here?" Kitty asked, as she and the rest of the glee kids walked into the choir room as Sam and Blaine had requested of them. "I thought Mr. Schue was sick."

"Yeah, why are we here?" Winnie asked, moving toward the piano and taking a seat over it while Sam and Blaine smiled at the all, clearly excited about whatever it was that they had planned.

"Oh, come on, guys." Blaine said. "Regionals is only a few weeks away. Even without an adviser, we can't afford to miss one week of preparation."

"Which is why Blaine and I asked you all to come here." Sam continued. "We have come up with an assignment for this week."

"Please be songs about sweaters." Brittany pleaded, quietly as Sam shook his head and moved toward the white board to write something down on it and show it to the rest of the group.

"Huh?" Unique frowned, once the letters on the board was clear to everyone.

"Guilty pleasures." Blaine announced. "Come on! We all have some musical shame. You know what I'm talking about. You know, that secret love we dare not speak, but when it comes out on the radio, you can't help but turn up the volume and sing along?"

"Yeah, and we're supposed to sing one of those songs for Regionals?" Ryder asked, in mild disbelief.

"No." Blaine said. "Sam and I were speaking earlier, just, like, shooting the crap like two bros do, you know, and we felt really safe with each other. So we decided to reveal our guilty pleasures."

"And it felt amazing." Sam continued as everyone tried to pretend they didn't notice the rather awkward exchange that had just happened between Blaine and Sam. "I mean, letting go of this big secret made me feel so good."

"And figured if we all share musical shame with each other, we could all become a more cohesive team for Regionals." Blaine nodded.

"Unique knows no shame, baby." Unique announced proudly.

"So, besides Unique, does anybody else have something they would like to share?" Sam asked, sighing when no one said anything. "Guys, this is a great team-building exercise."

"Okay, well, then you guys go first." Jake said, and, clearly, the two boys had been waiting for that because, as soon as the words were said, they exchanged quiet glances and smirked.

"We thought instead of telling you, we could... Show you!" Sam announced, pulling off his jacket along with Blaine and showing off his Choose life shirt that matched Blaine's perfectly, causing everyone to chuckle and cheer just before the band started to play the so familiar first notes to Wham's Wake me up, before you go go.


After the latest Foundue for Two episode where Brittany had gotten Kitty Wilde to admit her darkest, deepest guilty pleasure to her but not to the camera, figuring out what it was that the girl had refused so much to say out loud had been all that the glee girls had talked about. So, of course, as soon as the cheer practice was over, they had all ganged up on the two blonde Cheerios, determined to get from the two of them the whole truth.

"Stop!" Tina yelled, causing both Brittany and Kitty to stop dead in their tracks, surprised. "As loyal fans of Fondue for Two, we demand to know what your guilty pleasure is. Tell us."

"None of your business." Kitty shook her head, only for Brittany to smirk as she leaned forward a little toward the other girls.

"Spice Girls." She whispered and, after that, there was a moment of silence between the group before all of the girls started to cheer and squeal together in excitement.

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