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"Glee Club!" Mr. Schue cheered as he walked into the choir room that afternoon while all the kids clapped and whooped for him.

"Mr. Schue, how was D.C.?" Blaine asked, as the teacher smiled, rather proud of himself.

"D.C. was great, but now I am back to stay." Mr. Schue said. "And so, for my first order of business, I want to give a big shout-out to the guy who made sure I had something to come back to... Mr. Finn Hudson."

When Mr. Schue clapped Finn in the back, the kids all cheered and Winnie frowned a little, noticing how, suddenly Finn stood there, rather awkwardly. She brushed it off, though. Finn had never been the best when put a lot of attention, except for when he was singing.

"Now... For this week's assignment..." Mr. Schue continued with the class.

"I hope it's Britney again." Brittany said.

"Miss Pillsbury and I are finally getting married." Mr. Schue announced, happily as everyone clapped again. "Which makes me the happiest, luckiest man alive. Now, Emma has been handling all the prep, so to help out, I thought I'd take charge of the entertainment for the reception. And though this goes against tradition, it would mean the world to me and to Emma if, instead of giving your best man's speech, Finn, you sing for us. What do you think?"

"Hum..." Finn hesitated for a second, but then opened a small smile and nodded. "Hum, yeah, of course."

"Perfect." Mr. Schue said. "For everyone else who isn't out with Asian bird flu, it's a Valentine's Day wedding, which means, we need some great romantic love songs at the reception."

"Wait." Tina frowned. "You want us to be your wedding singers? That is so..."

"Awesome." Jake interrupted the girl before she could say anything insensitive. "We'd be honored."

"Great." Mr. Schue smiled. "I have some great ideas."


From her place at her locker, Winnie could hear Marley and Jake talking and, as much as she loved the two of them, for a second, she wished she didn't have to hear the two of them being cute to one another.

"So, I know it's not Valentine's Day yet, but I wanted you to open this now." Marley said, all excited as she practically shoved a small box into Jake's hand and watched as he opened it. "They're cuff links. I made it myself from this old typewriter my mom and I found at a garage sale. I just wanted you to have them early so you could wear them to Mr. Schue's wedding."

"These are so cool, but I can't wait to give you your gift." Jake smiled, pulling Marley in for a hug while desperately looking over at Winnie from over Marley's shoulder as the older girl sighed, already understanding the situation. "You're gonna love it."

"I love it already, I don't care what it is." Marley smiled, pecking Jake's lips gently. "I'll meet you after Spanish class, okay?"

Winnie watched quietly as Marley practically skipped away from him before rushing over to Jake herself as soon as her friend was out of sight.

"Dude, you did get her something, right?" Winnie asked, slapping Jake on the arm as he turned to her with a glare.

"Not yet, but I've got some ideas." Jake said, turning to look at Ryder as his friend also caught up to the two of them. "I've been brainstorming with my brother."

"Puck?" Winnie scoffed. "You need to stop going to Puck for this kind of stuff, man."

"Dude, I know you're, like, related to that guy, but he's kind of creepy and currently dating a sophomore." Ryder added, causing Winnie to nod. "All right, I'm not letting you do any of what he told you to do."

Back-Up Plan - Book 3 - S.E.Where stories live. Discover now