New Directions

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A/N: So, last chapter is finally here! i'm so sorry for the wait... I hope you enjoy this one and, yeah... Hope you brought some tissues with you lol

"You know, being here with everyone has brought so many good feelings and memories, and... I mean, look at Puck and Quinn." Mercedes said as she stood with Kurt at the stage, pointing at the newest couple as they sat side by side, who had apparently reconnected after Puck beat up Quinn's stuck up of a boyfriend. "I mean, I have no idea what's going on there, nor do I know where her boyfriend ran off to, but it looks like we can be expecting another accidental pregnancy sometime soon."

Winnie laughed, looking over at Quinn, who just shook her head no as Puck made a face.

"Yeah, yeah. But, alas, with the old good feelings come the old bad ones, too." Kurt continued. "Why, just today, Mercedes and I were in the lunch line when a battle from way back in the day came out, and we found ourselves at each other's throats again. Yes, I know. It's really hard to see friends fighting, but I'm just glad that none of you guys were there to see it."

"I was right behind you in line." Artie said, as Kitty laughed from beside him.

"Because the most upsetting thing is watching two people you love fight about something ridiculous and there not being anything you can do to stop it." Kurt said, clearly hinting at Rachel's and Santana's argument as Winnie rolled her eyes at the two girl's offended faces. "But, thankfully, we made up and we have never been closer. And we've decided to heal our hearts with a song."

And as the two of them started to sing I'm changing with everyone cheering them on, Winnie could see both Rachel and Santana slowly realizing that maybe — just maybe — their argument this time around was not as important as they were making it out to be.


After Brittany had filled the choir room with lillies for her talk with Santana, the 2013 Seniors were left to clean up the room now that glee club was about to officially end. Well, Tina wasn't really helping much, considering she had been moping around for quite a while now and Winnie wasn't even sure why this time.

"My life is literally over." She complained as Winnie turned to look over at her. "Where the hell did all these flowers come from?"

"What's wrong, Tina?" Blaine asked.

"Nothing." She scoffed. "Just the fact that I'm going to spend the rest of my life in Lima because I'm not Jewish enough."

"Since when are you Jewish?" Winnie frowned.

"Since I've tried to apply to Mitzvah University." She shrugged, slightly embarrassed, as Winnie rolled her eyes at her. "I didn't get in, though, so I guess I'm the only one in this room who's not going to New York or to college."

"Why?" Sam asked, as he pulled out a chair to sit in front of Tina. "You don't need a college acceptance letter to get over that bridge."

"I can't just go there without some kind of plan." Tina shook her head.

"Well, hum, Kurt did, and I think he's doing pretty great." Blaine offered with a shrug of his shoulders. "It's an adventure."

"Not for me." Tina argued. "You don't understand. Without some kind of direction, I just feel like a giant, free-floating loser."

With those words, it was as like an idea popped into Sam's head and he smirked, turning to his friends to see if they'd back him up.

"Yeah, like me." He said, walking toward the nearest guitar and picking it up.

"And me." Artie smirked as well.

"And me." Winnie smiled too, finally picking up on the plan.

"And me." Blaine finished, walking up to the piano so he could start playing a very soft and slowed down version of Loser like me. Eventually, Tina joined in and, soon enough, they were all reunited around the piano, smiling at one another once the song was over.

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