Swan song

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"Give her some room." Unique said, as Sam and Jake helped Marley walk into the choir room after having passed out on stage mid-performance. "She needs space! Breathe, girl, breathe!"

"Does anyone have anything she can eat?" Winnie asked, rushing after the boys as they sat Marley down in a chair.

"I have some leftover Halloween candy in my locker." Tina offered.

"I may have a juice box." Blaine said.

"I'll go get Marley's mom." Joe said, already rushing out of the room.

"This is bad." Artie mumbled. "Never in the history of show choir competitions has anyone ever fainted."

"We got the juice." Sam yelled, as soon as Blaine walked back into the room, throwing him his juice box. "We got the juice."

"No, I'm okay." Marley shook her head, refusing the drink Winnie was offering her after having snatched it from Sam's grip.

"Drink the damn juice!" Kitty yelled, almost panicked.

"Marley?" Finn asked, rushing into the room with Puck and Santana close behind him. "Marley, are you okay? What happened?"

"She hasn't been eating." Jake said. "She's been skipping lunch."

"Is that because you've been telling her to?" Santana accused, turning to Kitty, who shrunk a little under all the stares. "You trying to turn her into a damn rexy?"

"What?" She asked. "No. Why would I... Why would I want that?"

"Cause you're a crazy, evil bitch." Santana spat.

"Hey, Marley, you all right?" Mr. Schue asked, before Santana could properly go off on Kitty.

"The nurse is on the way, Mr. Schue." Joe said as the teacher nodded.

"Santana, Puck, you stay here with Marley." He said. "The rest of you guys, get back up there. Leaving the stage mid-competition, for any reason, is risking immediate disqualification."

"What?" Finn gasped. "That-that's a rule?"

"Yeah, it's a rule." Coach Sylvester beamed as she walked into the choir room just to see everyone's sad faces. "One of the bylaws, actually. As all of you all were spiraling into a self-created K-hole of crazy, the judges, by unanimous vote, have declared the Warblers victorious. Hey, congratulations, Finn Hudson. For the first time in its charmed, yet pitiful existence, the New Directions has lost Sectionals. But here's the good news. Christmas came early for one Sue Sylvester."


That Monday had been a sad Monday for everyone in the glee club and now, as they reunited in the choir room with Finn looking defeated, they knew he wasn't bringing good news.

"So, that's it?" Sam asked, sounding rather upset. "No more Glee?"

"Until next September." Finn nodded.

"Sugar already bailed." Blaine said.

"Can I just say what everyone is thinking?" Tina scoffed. "This is Marley's fault. New Rachel, my butt. I knew Rachel Berry. I was friends with Rachel Berry, and you, Marley, are no Rachel Berry."

"Tina, shut up." Winnie glared at her friend, kicking her chair a little as Marley slouched a bit on her seat beside Winnie's.

"Guys, guys, enough." Finn said, before an argument could properly start. "It's not like it's over. The holiday concert is later this week, and we are going to be preparing for it all week long. If this is our swan song, let's make it the best one it can be."

Back-Up Plan - Book 3 - S.E.Where stories live. Discover now