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All things considered, the date hadn't been all that bad. He had chosen a decent restaurant and had paid the bill for Winnie. He was a rather funny guy and kind of attractive. Not that bright, but not too stupid either - at the very least, Winnie could carry a conversation with him and, considering they had stayed out for three hours that night, that was all that Winnie could ask for.

He had driven her home too and he was about to play the I'm a good guy card and give Winnie a kiss in the cheek for good night - as if that would compel Winnie to go on a second date with him -, but she warned him: she wouldn't, so either he kissed her now, or he wouldn't ever. So he had made his decision - the right one too, as far as Winnie was concerned because, as she stayed there, making out with one of the basketball guys in the driver's seat of his car in front of her house, Winnie realized this was what she had been missing.

After all, ever since Rory had left, she hadn't truly been on a date with anyone - well, she did go on that date with Jake, but it had gone so horribly wrong romantically speaking that, not only had they not kissed, they had ended up as good friends after it. Winnie had been missing her spark, she realized. Ever since starting pining after Sam the year before - which was something she had sworn to herself she would never do -, Winnie had changed, but as the basketball guy - Jason, she thought he was called, or maybe James? She couldn't really recall at the moment - pressed a hand against the small of her back while his lips danced against Winnie's, she realized that, maybe, she hadn't changed for the better. So the, it was decided.

It was time for Winnie Archer to find her old spark again.


"So, now that we're back in the game, we've got to come strong." Finn said, as he stood with Ms. Pillsbury in front of the kids in the middle of the choir room. "Diva Week is all about finding your inner powerhouse. Miss Pillsbury."

"That's right." Ms. Pillsbury nodded then, pulling out a little flashcard from her jacket, prepared as always for the class. "The Online Urban Dictionary defines a diva as a fierce, often temperamental singer who comes correct. She is not a trick-ass ho and she does not sweat da haterz."

"Great, so I guess the guys are screwed this week." Jake mumbled, clearly unimpressed.

"Hum... Guys can be divas." Blaine argued.

"That's right, we all have inner divas." Ms. Pillsbury nodded. "I myself have been considered quite a diva at many a local restaurant because I know what I want and I will send a dish back."

While Ms. Pillsbury set off to tell a story about how she caused a little scene in a Cheesecake Factory once, the kids started to lose focus a little, their competitive side coming out in full-force already.

"You all might as well just quit while you're ahead because there are only two ways to spell Unique, and one of them is D-I-V-A... Diva. M'kay? Shanté, I stay, and it will be brought, dished out, and served and mopped up by the time you even pick out a wig." Unique said, pointing over at Tina, who gasped at her, offended. "Looking at you, clocking that sadness."

"I have more diva in my little finger than you have in your whole angry inch, Wade-Unique." Tina responded, to which Marley, surprisingly, scoffed.

"Tina, you've kind of been talking some ridiculous trash for months, unchallenged, and that stops now." She said.

"Listen, guys can be divas." Blaine interjected again.

"You guys, I'm going to win Diva Week." Brittany said, as Winnie shook her head with a smirk.

"You all can fight all you want for that second spot, but this glee club only has space for one diva and we all know who that is." She winked at her friends, leaning back in her seat as she flicked some of her hair over her shoulder.

Back-Up Plan - Book 3 - S.E.Where stories live. Discover now