Chapter Six- The Mountain Pass

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They reached the path in the valley and collapsed breathless in the dark, after running all night.

Jonathan crawled to the edge and was just able to make out the city in the blizzard. Its minarets peeking out from the openings in the fog.

There was a winding path down to the bottom but he couldn't face that right now.

The harsh wind ripping past them, his hair blowing this way and that.

Aiden was hunched over, he couldn't get his breath back.

A numbness was starting to take over.

Jonathan pushed himself up, it made him a bit lightheaded and he crawled over to Aiden.

"Come on, we...we have to move now.. get up.. get up Aiden," Jonathan panted, trying to stay upright.

They leaned on each other, catching their breath, Jonathan started to nod off and jerked his head back up. He noticed that Aiden was nearly asleep too. Jonathan shook him awake, "Ok.. you need to get up now, we have to get off the mountain-"

Dawn was coming, they had been hiking all night.

Jonathan stopped as he noticed something in the corner of his eye, he looked back from where they had come. There were someone coming, Jonathan's heart leapt into his throat excitedly.

Maybe it was travelers with a carriage, or horses, just something to get them off this forsaken mountain.

He was able to stand up, trying to wave them down, "Look! Look we're saved, we're.." as Jonathan squinted looking closer.

His heart sank, it was Hawthorne, alone.

How did He know this was the path they'd use?

Aiden tried to unsheathe his sword but couldn't get up to his feet, his eyes drifted down, "I.. can manage. Go on."

"No, we have to.." Jonathan whimpered, he tried to pick him up again but he just couldn't do it.

Tears started to stream down his face, he hadn't realized until he felt his face was soaked he let out a sob.. He fell silent and suddenly became hot, his lips pressed together and his panting deepened. Whatever emotion or strength he had left he was going to use it now.

He lost his balance a little as he picked up his staff and stood between Aiden and Hawthorne.

He hunched over bracing the icy wind and locked eyes with him.

Hawthorne lunged just to scare him.

He staggered back and took a defensive position and waited for him move. Hawthorne raised his sword rushing him, Jon managed to trip him up.

He fell into the snow.

Jon raised his staff up. Jon uttered trembling in rage, words were lost on him and that was all he could get out.

Hawthorne stood cautiously, "You will not stop me boy. The revolution will happen.."

Jon watched him.

"You can't stop it, and he won't be able to," He darted his eyes to Aiden.

Hawthorne grabbed a fist of Aiden's hair yanking his head back; resting his blade on his neck.

Jonathan immediately froze,

"I should have done this a long time ago.." He whispered viciously.

"..Please.." Jon started as he lowered his staff.

"Shut up! Back off.. now!"

Jon stepped back.

"You'll do just what I tell you?" Hawthorne smirked.

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