Chapter Sixteen- Kingdom come

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Evana's eyes widened as they flooded with tears.

Gannon regained consciousness, his throat badly bruised. He eased himself up.

He turned to see Evana's hunched over frame.

Her hair disheveled and a torn bloody dress.

Her back trembling. He stood and shuffled over to her, his body aching with the absence of dragon magic.

His eyes filled with shock, Jon's pale face in her hands. His eyes closed, his mouth slack. Tears streaking his face as Evana leaned over him.

Slowly she set his head down on the floor.

Aiden sat across from her, his guilt eating him alive as he trembled.  All he could do was stare in remorse, as his world came crashing down on all sides. Just looking at Jon's wound, he couldn't leave it.

He tore a shred of his shirt, folding it and pressing it to his ribcage. It meant nothing now, but he couldn't refuse.

Evana took Jon's limp hands up to his heart, "Heal!!! COME ON!" She sobbed, "You can't leave!!"

Aiden dragged his gaze to her, his deadened expression turned to worry. He rested his hand on her shoulder, she shirked him away. He insisted.

A wail of sobs bubbled up jarringly as she struggled against him.

Aiden wrapped her in a hug, she buried her face in his shirt as she caught her breath.

Gannon stood there, his eyes lowered as his features trembled.

She shook her head, facing Jon again. "Wake up!" Her tears came again quietly, she pushed back on Aiden and put her hand out touching Jon's face. Her body crumpled over him.


Alazarr spoke, "Get up

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Alazarr spoke, "Get up."

Jon pealed his eyes open.

The sound of waves on white sand.

His body felt light, no pain or exhaustion.

Jon sat up, the expanse of sand and water lined the horizon.

His breath was smooth and all discomfort was gone.

Alazarr came down the stairs his claws pressing in the sand. Behind him was a wall.

It was made of solid gold. A perfect city set beyond it.

Yet, Jon's excitement faded.

He could just barely hear his name being called.

He whisked around back to the sea.

Jonathan looked to the sea knowing the pain he'd face and have to recover from. Then staring up at the golden wall knowing everything good, holy, beautiful and perfect was right there. Only a step away from the gates.

He faced Alazarr, his mind pulling in two directions. His eyes pained at the sight of the horizon,  "I love them. All of them, Evana, Aiden, " He lowered his gaze with a tender smile, "and Gannon. I want to be there a little longer. And to help set things right with the dragons."

Alazarr smiled with pride.

"Then I have one last assignment for you." Alazarr drew his hand up his blue flame circled Jonathan crystalizing into a crown. Floating down and setting on his brow. "You will be the new king of Dragons."

He knelt in the sand and bowed his head.

"My son how faithful you have been. You have redeemed them from death, now walk in my stead and lead them."  Alazarr breathed on him and Jon's face shone with a new anointed light.

They both turned to the glassy sea.

He put one foot in the water and the wind picked up. His white robe billowed.

He closed his eyes feeling the wind and taking a sure breath. He stepped forward and another and another quickening his pace to a full run into the surging waters.

The tides sucking him back but he fought, waves swallowing him yet still he fought. He pushed forward.

He dove down into the waves, deeper and deeper and deeper till he could feel his surroundings again.

The pressing of stone beneath him and the rustle of fabric. Then the distant sound of Evana's voice.

Then the wound he carried made itself known,  as if it was just inflicted again. Jonathan flinched, bubbles expelling from his mouth, his limbs heavy as the current pushed him back.

Trying to force a breath that refused to come.

He pounded his fists on his chest to make his heart obey him and move again.

"Work! Damnit!" He screamed.

He could feel that surface coming the deeper he went.

He yelled prying at his lungs to breath. His head swirling, his eyes closing as bubbles escaped.

"This pain can pass, it will. It will!" He muttered. "I need to see them! Alazarr!" He could feel himself being thrust forward with one full push.

Back at the throne room Gannon stood head low. As he slowly gave up on everything.

Jon's slack mouth gurgled a wheezing breath.

Gannon jerked forward and gasped, his eyes grew wide.

Evana's sobbing became silent, terrified she'd imagined it.

Aiden clung to him.

Jon's eyes cracked open.

"You aren't getting rid of me that ..easily.." Jon breathed with a grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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