Chapter 13

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Harry's POV
Shit. Shit. Shit. Did that really just happen? We nearly kissed. I wanted to kiss her so bad. Why did Ed have to interrupt.

"What the fuck Ed!? Why did you have to interrupt?" I scream at him. I mean, he's one of my good mates so I didn't want to be mean or anything but I'm just frustrated at the moment.

"Hey man, calm down. I was just gonna tell ya that Auroras really nice and cool" Ed answered.

Really? He interrupted us to tell me something I already new? Fuck.

I sigh. "Thanks Ed" I say giving him a fake half smile.

I call a taxi and they come pick me up and take me back home. This isn't how I wanted to the night end. Why did it have to be like this. Now it's going to be awkward between Aurora and I. She's probably just as confused as I am right now. I wonder if she actually wanted to kiss me.

Auroras POV
I take the taxi home. I feel awkward. Very awkward. Harry just lent in to kiss me and we got interrupted. Why is this happening. Ugh this is just going to make things confusing.

All of a sudden I hear familiar voices. One direction is on the radio. Could this get any weirder. The songs called 'Steal my Girl' from their fourth album, 'Four'. Wow I wonder why they called it four. Meh I like it.

I sing along to it, I mean, it's a pretty good song. I must be singing quite loud since I keep hearing chuckles from the taxi driver. I couldn't care any less though. When the second chorus finishes, it's Harry's solo.

Wow his voice is perfect. 'She knows, she knows, that I've never let her down before.." That's what Harry legit just said to me before it got awkward. He said he'll never leave, I guess that kinda goes with letting down, right? "..she knows, she knows, that I'm never gonna let another take her love from me now"

My heart just melted. Yep. It's gone. My heart has sunk. It's gone. I'm getting butterflies in my stomach now.

"You like One Direction?" The taxi man asks me.

I nod my head, "yeah, they're really nice guys" I mumble, smiling.

He laughs, he probably thinks I've never met them before and I'm one of those insane girls who pretend they know them. I don't think they're insane though. I say believe in what you want.

I don't bother telling him I actually know them, there's no point.

When the song finishes, the radio hosts start chatting about the boys. "Hey you know Harry's been seeing some girl?" Is what's heard on the radio. I freeze.

Are they talking about me? What if there not.. What if Harry's seeing another girl.

"Her name is Aurora Thomas, pictures are seen all of Twitter of the two 'love birds' Harry's even writing music with her. Apparently Aurora sings very well." The man on the radio exaggerates.

"AHHHHHH" I scream which causes the taxi driver to have a kinda heart attack.

"What is it ma'am?" He asks, worry and confused written all over his face.


Harry's POV
I'm on my way home when I hear the radio announce my name. What is it this time? Have I slept with 10 different girls like the media always thinks I do. Maybe I've married someone. Who fucking knows. All I want is Aurora and it feels like I've just messed everything up with her. I shouldn't have tried to kiss her, it wouldn't be like this if I didn't. What if she wasn't ready for it? Ugh I don't know! I wonder how's she's feeling now..

I continue to listen to whatever the radio hosts are talking "

Harry Styles new girlfriend Aurora Thomas?" Is what it said. My mouth drops. "Wha-what?" I ask myself.

They talk about us on the radio for a bit, saying that Aurora is also a talented singer and that we would be perfect together. That makes my heart skip a beat. I feel like a 12 year old girl fantasising over a crush. Wait. Crush!? Did I just say crush? No, I don't have a crush on Aurora pfft.

Yes you do. I feel my mind just answered my questions.

I try to mind I guess? Until I hear one of Auroras song plays on the radio.

"I've been waiting all this time.. Just tell me you love me" is said in the chorus.

My eyes go wide. I love her. I love her with all my heart. I cant stop think about her. Hearing her voice now is summing up everything, hearing her beautiful singing. "I love her" I whisper.

A/n: not sure about this chapter ?

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