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You were nervous, probably more nervous then you had ever been in your entire life. It didn't help that you were sitting outside on your front steps, alone, checking your phone every couple of seconds.

When you weren't checking your phone, you were fiddling with your bracelet. There was a charm from all three of your friends on it, made of colourful clay. It's been so long that you don't even remember what they were supposed to be, wired, misshapen things that you loved more than anything.

Letting out a sigh, you drop the green charm Jake had made you, which you think was supposed to be a frog, and look at your phone again.

When you had woken up that morning you were met with several excited texts from Embry, who was obviously more than happy to meet up. After figuring out a time that worked out best for all of you, it was Paul that had suggested meeting up at a diner. It was just outside of Forks, and was apparently fairly empty on Sundays.

From the sounds of it, it would be the perfect place for you all to meet up. Public enough that you wouldn't feel pressured or stifled, but still isolated enough for you to have some semblance of privacy. The apparently delicious food was an added bonus.

Paul and Embry were driving up to Forks to pick you up. When you had told Embry you were going to take the bus, since you don't have your licence yet, they had vehemently refused. With the red headed vampire still on the loose, it was much too dangerous for you to take the bus alone.

Through the closed door, you could hear your younger brothers laughing behind you. Your fathers desperate pleas for them to be careful soon followed, but their laughter carried over his tired voice.

You turned your head towards the door to hear them better, wincing when you heard your father shout out in pain. It was most likely a stray toy, those tiny things hard to spot in the soft shaggy rug that covered most of the living room floor.

Distracted by the commotion in the house, you don't notice when Pauls familiar truck pulls into the driveway.

When the excitement in the house calms down, you turn back around, hand reaching for your phone to check for any missed messages. You're surprised when you spot the truck there, having not heard it pull in. Embry gives you a smile from the passenger seat, and despite your nerves, you find you're able to give one back.

Taking a deep, calming breath, you push yourself up off the step, quickly making your way over to the truck. It feels like you're about to go into battle, your heart is pounding, hands damp with sweat as you pull open the door to the back seat of the truck.

They both shoot you looks of concern as you climb in, and you remember with a start that with their enhanced hearing, they could most certainly hear your heart racing. One look into their eyes is enough to calm you down, however, heart rate dropping to a normal level as you settle into the back seat.

"You ready to go?" Embry asks, worry lacing his words. All you can manage is a nod, closing the truck door so that they can get moving.

The drive out of Forks is silent, the radio filling the silence of the truck with music. It helped to relieve the awkward air, but not by much. There was so much you wanted to say, but for now, you'd have to settle with silence.

In seemingly no time at all, while simultaneously feeling like hours have passed, you make it to the diner. The three of you are out of the car and standing at the front door of the diner faster then you had thought possible, being directed by a bored waitress to a booth tucked away in the corner.

None of you bother talking until you have each put in an order, waiting anxiously for the waitress to leave. When she leaves after bringing your drinks you finally let yourself relax, fingers tracing a pattern in the condensation on the glass.

"Okay, so, I still don't really know how this imprint thing works. And at this point, I feel like I never really will. But I know I don't want to lose you over this," You quickly look up at Embry at. He's got a look of hope on his face that makes you feel much better, makes the next part you were going to suggest just a bit easier to get out.

"And despite only knowing you for less then a day, I don't really wanna loose you either. Maybe that's the imprint talking, who knows," You shrug, looking over at Paul briefly. You aren't able to hold his hopeful gaze long, eyes dropping back to your drink, "But I want to try and give this a chance. It'll take me a while to get used to all of this. But I think this could work, the three of us together."

The boys were smiling so wide it looked like it hurt, practically vibrating in their seats from their excitement. With the weight of you refusing the imprinting off of them, the boys fully relax on their side of the booth. They start into a story about one of their teachers and how shit that class is, but you aren't really paying attention.

More people had slowly started entering the diner, adding to the happy atmosphere. But you felt like you were being watched, but a quick look around showed that no one was paying you guys any mind. Not even Pauls boisterous laughter could shake the feeling of dread that had slowly started to seep in.

Something was wrong, you just didn't know it yet.

I hope you guys are doing well!

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I hope you guys are doing well!

𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝘼 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙙   ━━  Embry x Reader x PaulWhere stories live. Discover now