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"Wake up sweetheart, you're going to be late for school!" Your mother calls up the stairs. It startles you awake, blinking blearily up at the ceiling as you slowly come to consciousness.

Letting out a groan, you slowly roll over onto your side so you were facing your bedside table, blindly reaching out for your phone. Your stomach growls, the savoury scent of food wafting up the stairs and into your room makes your mouth water.

There were a few missed messages from the group chat that you quickly responds to. Both wishing you a good morning, and a very brief recap of what went down at the meeting. There was also a notification that your alarm had gone off nearly 30 minutes ago.

With no time to properly get ready, you quickly get out of bed, scrambling around your room to find something presentable to wear. You nearly trip on the hem of your jeans as you pull them up, stumbling out of your room in your rush.

As you hurry down the stairs, you're nearly barreled over by the twins coming down behind you, laughing and shoving each other to try and beat the other to the dining table. There was a loud bang as one of them runs into the table, followed by the sound of a cup falling off the edge, and what was hopefully water splashing across the tiled floor.

Sitting on the table was eggs, toast, and a quickly depleting stack of breakfast sausages that the twins were already digging into. You quickly make yourself a plate before the twins bottomless stomachs inhale all the food, eating as fast as you can so you can make it out of the house in time.

Your mom passes the table with a disgusted look on her face when she takes in the three of you stuffing your faces, depositing her empty coffee mug in the sink as she walks by.

"Don't look at me like that," You mutter, then taking a large gulp of your water before going back to your lukewarm eggs. Your mother ignores you in favour of grabbing her lunch from the fridge on her way out the front door, shouting 'goodbye' over her shoulder.

As you take another bite of your toast, you hear your fathers' second alarm going off upstairs. That's when panic fully sets in, nearly choking on your toast, you were never home when that went off.

A quick peek at the time on the oven showed 7 minutes before your bus arrived, and with the bus stop being a 5-minute walk, you abandoned the rest of your breakfast to get ready to leave.

Thankfully, you had listened to your mother for once, and left your backpack by the front door, so all you had to do was grab your lunch from the fridge and stuff it haphazardly into your bag.

"Bye boys, remember to put your dishes in the sink or mom will get mad!"

"Okay!" The boys chorused, mouths full of food that no doubt sprayed everywhere. You run out the door without another word, nearly slamming it behind you in your rush to leave. There was no one else on the streets, and you run as fast as you can to make it to the bus in time.

As you turned the corner to the bus stop you could see it pulling up at the curb, the few students waiting around starting to load in. Thankfully the bus driver decided to spare you and wait for you to make it, though she did give you a dirty look as you climb onto the bus, panting.

The bus is nearly packed full, but it seemed like there were quite a few people away, since there were three seats in the back that were completely empty. You sped to the back, plopping down on the empty seat at the very back, dropping your bag down next to you.

Thankful that you made it in time, you rested your head against the cool window, looking out towards the passing houses, large shadows cast over everything from the overcast sky. As the bus dives down the street, you could have sworn that you saw red eyes looking out at you from the shadows.

𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝘼 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙙   ━━  Embry x Reader x PaulWhere stories live. Discover now