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The entire bus ride home Y/N's eyes are glued to the windows, constantly scanning the tree line to catch another glimpse of the glowing red eyes. With shaking hands Y/N pulls out her phone, ignoring the teasing comments Embry left to send them a panicked warning of what she has seen.

[Y/N]:  I don't know if I'm going crazy or not, but I keep seeing red eyes everywhere. I couldn't see a face, I don't know if it's the red-headed leech or the other one that been stalking me.

She keeps the phone clutched tight in her hand the entire ride home, anxiously waiting for a reply back from either of her boys. The phone stays silent the entire way to her stop, and her paranoia filled walk home. Every rustle off bushes has Y/N jumping, heart hammering in her chest as she quickens her pace.

"Are you alright sweetheart?" Candice calls, putting her paintbrush into the bucket at her feet. The garage door had a fresh coat of white paint, though it's barely noticeable since the sun I shining from behind her house. Y/N turns to her slowly, relieved that she's not alone, even if its the neighbourhood gossip. Her long blond hair is pulled into a high ponytail. Y/N hesitates walking across the street to her house, but then she remembers those red eyes and moves up the driveway to be with someone familiar.

"I'm okay, just a ruff day at school," Y/N says, getting a sympathetic smile in response.

"The work they give you kids these days," Candice shakes her head at the thought, and the action makes her look older than she really was, "My niece is always doing school work when I see her, never has time to play with her friends anymore."

"I didn't know you had a niece," Y/N says, hands starting to sweat around the tight grip she has on her phone. She resists the urge to check it, since Candice seems to have an old soul, and Y/N doesn't want to offend her.

"Yes, my older sister's kid. Probably in middle school by now. Its been a while since I've seen her," Y/N nods along, itching to check her phone the longer she talks, "Are you sure you're okay? You don't look very well."

Candice reaches up to press the back of her hand against her forehead. Her fingers are ice cold against her skin, causing a shiver to rack through Y/N's body. The touch causes her to jerk back in surprise, nearly tripping over her own two feet. Candice doesn't say anything, just gives her a smile as Y/N gets her footing.

"You probably have lots of work to do," Candice starts, not letting Y/N respond as she continues, "You should probably go sit down, you look like you're about to fall over any second. If you need anything, I'll be around, I still have to paint my front door, and I haven't even finished with the garage yet."

Y/N can only bring herself to nod, turning quickly on her heels and walking as fast as she can across the street and to her house. She quickly pockets her phone to take her backpack off, digging through the front pocket for her house keys.

Thankfully, nobody's home to see how panicked she is as she all but flings the front door open. The door is locked before she even realized she was inside, hand stretch up and hovering over the deadbolt above her head. All Y/N can hear is her own loud breathing and her heart beating in her ears. After a second she reluctantly brings her hand down, knowing her family would be home soon and would have to get into the house at some point.

Y/N's phone vibrates from her pants pocket, startling her back to reality. She pulls the phone out and up to her face, stomach clenching when she reads the message left by her father.

[Dad]: I forgot to tell you this morning before school, I'm taking the boys for their checkup in Seattle today, so we won't be back until later tonight, probably after your mother gets home. There's money on the counter for food if you want to order something.

𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝘼 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙙   ━━  Embry x Reader x PaulWhere stories live. Discover now