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The three of you are sitting on the ground in the middle of your room. Between you is your now half-eaten pizza, dessert, and cans of soda. The boys look at you expectantly, waiting for an explanation on what had been happening the last few days. With a sigh, you put down your slice of pizza, ripping off a piece from the paper towel roll you had next to you to clean off the grease on your fingers.

"Its been happening since Tuesday," You mumble, unable to look either of them in the eye, "I was on the bus home when I first saw the eyes. I didn't think anything of it at first, I figured it was just a trick of the light, you know? But then on the way home, I think I was hallucinating? Everyone on the bus looked demonic. Like, their eyes turned black and they were just staring at me. I looked away for a second, and when I looked back everyone went back to normal."

"It happened again today, the eyes, but I know it wasn't a trick of the light or just stress. I could see the outline of their face, but couldn't make out who it was. But I know what I saw!" Towards the end, you start to get a little hysterical, desperately wanting them to believe you. The boys don't say anything for a second, casting each other a quick glance before they turn back to you.

"Okay, so, don't freak out," Embry starts, and you let out a frustrated groan, "but I think that leech has powers." It takes you a second to register what Embry said. You stare at him blankly, and he stares right back, starting to fidget when you don't say anything, "Hey-"

"You didn't think to tell me at that stupid meeting that vampires have powers?!"

"In my defence-"

"What? In what world does not telling me they have powers make any sense?" You glare at Embry, waiting for a response when you remember something else, "Do the Cullens have powers?"

The silence in the room is deafening. Embry looks vaguely scared, but thankfully Paul jumps in, putting down his slice of pizza. "Three of them, not all."

Taking a deep breath, you will yourself to calm down enough to ask, "Who?"

Embry chimes in again, a look of guilt on his face, "Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future, and Jasper can feel and control emotions. From what the elders have said, it's not very common for the cold ones to have powers, we just got unlucky."

You nod along to his explanation, relaxing when Embry mentions the rarity of powers. Taking a deep breath, you lean back against your bed. You grab the box of dessert sitting next to you, pulling apart the warm, cinnamon sugar covered bread with a satisfied hum.

While trying to open up the small tub of icing with one hand, you gesture to the tv stand with the other, "Now that we have this all figured out, wanna watch a movie?"

The boys abandon their slices of pizza to go looking through your movies, quickly cleaning their hands off. The two bicker over what film to watch, going back and forth until they decide on some action movie that you didn't even know you had.

When the boys turn back around, they both make a beeline to you, settling on either side as they waited for the DVD to start.

The three of you settle in comfortably once the movie starts, but only after a couple of minutes of you trying to figure out how to snuggle into both of them without asking them to move closer, both of their phones go off one right after the other. With a drawn-out groan, Embry pulls out his phone, since his went off first, reading through the message. He's silent for a moment, then lets out a pained sound.

"What?" Paul and you both ask, shooting each other playful looks quickly before turning to look at Embry.

"Jake is really starting to get annoying," Embry whines, pockets his phone as he stands up, with Paul wordlessly following his lead, "He's trying to disobey Alpha orders, so now we all have to go on patrol as punishment."

You scramble to stand as well, following them to your window as you smooth out your clothes. You move in closer than what's probably acceptable, but both boys seem to lose the tension in their bodies at your closeness.

"Give him hell for me, okay?"

You get an amused snort from Embry, and a muttered, "he'll be wishing for hell," from Paul.

Turning to the still open window, Paul is about to climb through when you tell them to wait. Both Embry and Paul turn to look at you, no doubt about to ask what wrong, but you're quick to cut them off.

You're somehow able to wrap your arms around them both, though your arms don't get very far. With one arm around each of their waists, you pull them into an awkward group hug. It takes a second, but they relax into it fully, arms moving to wrap around you.

The combined heat is nearly too much but somehow not enough at the same time. It makes you feel safe in a way you didn't know was possible, or that you even knew you needed.

"Please be careful," You mumble into their chest, squeezing your arms around them before reluctantly letting them both go. Their hands linger as they also pull away, looking like they would rather stay there then go out on patrol.

A close howl catches their attention, causing the boys to groan in unison.

"Sam won't let us do our patrol near your house, since you'll be a 'distraction'," Embry says, voice dripping in annoyance, "but Jared will be nearby, so you'll be safe."

With that, both the boys are gone, Paul jumping out the window first, followed quickly by Embry. You lean out the window to watch the two as they run off into the trees, wishing that they could have stayed there with you for just a little longer.

They pass by a wolf just barely seen through the dark, who you guess is Jared. You give him a quick wave, ducking back into your room to finish your work before turning in for the night.

 You give him a quick wave, ducking back into your room to finish your work before turning in for the night

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❛  𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊  ❜
I am so so so sorry about my sudden hiatus. I haven't been doing all to well this past year (though I honestly think it's been for much longer) and it's been very draining cycling through medications that don't work. But I have been having a good patch this last week and decided I wanted to tackle the hell that is transferring chapters from wattpad to tumblr.

𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝘼 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙙   ━━  Embry x Reader x PaulWhere stories live. Discover now