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Paul and Embry didn't even hesitate when Y/N said she wanted to leave. The second Sam begrudgingly gave them the go-ahead, Embry took ahold of Y/N's hand and lead her out the front door, followed closely behind by Paul. It was getting dark now, the sun low in the sky, casting long shadows across the front lawn. If Y/N wasn't so stressed she would have stopped to enjoy the beauty of it.

Embry pulled the back door open for her, giving her a warm smile when she thanked him. She quickly climbed in so that Embry didn't have to stand there long, and watched him close the door once she was fully settled and buckled in. Y/N's bag was still sitting in the car, propped up against the far door.

Stretching as much as her seatbelt would allow, Y/N grabbed her bag, unzipping the front pocket to pull out her phone. There was a notification waiting for her when she turned it on, a message from her mom wondering when she'd be home, and if she had brought her house keys with her.

While shooting an update off to her mother, a thought crossed Y/N's mind as the two boys climbed into the front seat. "What are we going to do while I'm in school?"

"It's populated enough that neither of the leeches shouldn't try anything with you," Paul says as he starts up the truck, right arm reaching over to brace on the back of Embry's seat as he reverses out of the driveway. His eyes meet Y/N's and she can't help the wide smile that takes over her face when she sees the concern painting his features, can't help the way it warms her heart.

The effects of the imprint are getting harder and harder for Y/N to ignore, even if she hadn't known Paul for long. It seems like it's a two-way street, if the pleased look on Paul's face is anything to go by.

"Plus, we'll know if anything goes wrong, since apparently sensing your emotions is something imprints can do," Embry added in, wheeling down the window to let in the cool evening air. The change in temperature caused Y/N to shiver, but she didn't say anything, knowing now that the boys probably overheat for the littlest of things.

Embry turns around in his seat just as the thought passes, and Y/N has to restrain herself from shivering again so that he keeps the window open. All she gets is a questioning look, and with a slight nod of her head and a smile, it's enough to turn Embry back around to face the front.

As they get away from all the houses and onto the highway, the thick covering of trees on either side of the road blocks out the last rays of the setting sun. That, combined with the ebbing stress from earlier, puts Y/N right to sleep.


Y/N wakes up to the sun shining in her eyes from the curtains she left open before the trip to Emily's the day before. The walk to her room is a blur, as she was half asleep when she had stumbled up the stairs. Her bag is sitting at the foot of the bed, and she's laying on top of the covers, still fully clothed from the night before.

When she looks over to the nightstand she notices her phone sitting face down in front of her alarm clock. It reads 27 minutes before its set to go off. The thought of going back to sleep is tempting, but she knows if she goes to sleep then, she won't wake up in time to get to school.

With a heavy sigh, Y/N drags herself out of bed to get ready for school. With the extra time she has she quickly takes a look at her phone to respond to the good morning texts that are quickly becoming a regular thing. As she moves to put her phone down, movement from her left draws her attention away from the screen. It was hard to see since it just barely in her line of sight, but there was a large shadow right outside her window.

Another shadow passes, and this time, she's able to pick out the distinct shape of a tree branch as it shifts across her walls. Y/N lets out a breath she didn't even know she was holding, then busies herself with getting ready for the day. While she was digging through her closet, back facing the window, she didn't notice the original shadow drop down from the second-story window and disappear into the woods behind her house.

𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝘼 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙙   ━━  Embry x Reader x PaulWhere stories live. Discover now