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Six o'clock came slower than you would have liked, leaving you with too much time to stress over what could happen at the meeting. It was easy for you to get lost in your thoughts, going over so many scenarios that you stressed yourself out over the many what-if's.

A text from Embry breaks through your destructive thoughts a little past 6, telling you that they were nearly at you house. While slightly agitated that they didn't tell you sooner, you knew that if they had told you ahead of time, you would have spent the wait even more distraught over the meeting then you already were.

Quickly filling your bag with things you think you might need, and other random items just in case, you descend the stairs just as your mother walks in the front door, two boxes of pizza in hand and your brothers arguing over toppings behind her. "And where are you running off to?"

"I'm going out with some friends, I shouldn't be out long."

"Friends?" Camden giggles, a huge grin on his face.

"You don't have any friends!" Nolan chimes in, the two of them dissolving into fits of laughter at your expense. Your face heats up in embarrassment, knowing that the week you spent alone, locked up in your room once the boys abandoned you, had not been very good.

You have a rebuttal hot on your lips, even though you don't really know what you were going to say, when movement down the street catches your attention.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up. If I don't have any friends, then who's that pulling up?" You gesture behind the twins with a smug look on your face, and they turn to look out the window just as Paul's truck pulls into the driveway. Their muscular silhouettes are noticeable even from in the house, bringing a small comfort to your stressed mind.

With a wave over your shoulder you all but run out of the house, not wanting to have your mother question you about where you were going and with who. Paul and Embry are talking quietly in the truck, though they stop immediately to watch you when they notice you coming, expressions lighting up noticeably. With a little effort, you climb into the too high truck, yanking the door shut behind you as you fall into the seat.

When you're all settled in the back, but don't feel the tell tale lurch of Paul reversing out of the driveway, you look up to find the boys looking back at you, worried looks on their faces. You shuffle in your seat a little, shrinking back slightly under the sudden attention.

"What? What's wrong?"

They look to each other at your question before looking back, and it's Paul who answers you, though it looks like he wants to do anything but.

"It's Jake, he shifted."

By the time you get to Sam's house, you were mostly filled in on what happened, seeing as they could hear much of what Jake was thinking through his anger and panic when he shifted

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By the time you get to Sam's house, you were mostly filled in on what happened, seeing as they could hear much of what Jake was thinking through his anger and panic when he shifted.

Apparently, he had gone to the movies with Bella and Mike, "mistake number one," You had muttered under your breath, causing the two wolves the chuckle silently. Mike was feeling sick and being a 'little wimp' about it, pissing Jake off to the point of almost turning.

Thankfully, he had subconsciously known something was wrong before anything happened and immediately went home. He then shifted shortly after when his dad questioned him about what happened, and since the pack was on patrol at the same time, they were all bombarded with Jakes panicked thoughts.

Now more nervous than ever, you brought your lower lip between your teeth. You did not want to see Jake after your little argument. Even with him knowing the truth behind what really happened, he's still one to hold a bit of a grudge.

The shadows from the trees danced along your face as you continue down the road, distracting you from your inner turmoil enough that you don't even notice when Paul pulled into Sam's driveway.

"We're here," Paul says, pulling you from your thoughts and drawing your attention to the windshield, where you can see shadows moving behind the curtains that cover the front window.

Taking a deep, shaky breath, you push the door open and hop out of the truck. The ground is a bit uneven, and your foot clips the side of a wobbly rock, and you stumble under the sudden shift.

"You okay?" Embry quickly shoots an arm out to catch you, thankfully stopping you from wiping out in broad daylight.

"I'm fine, just a bit nervous." You admit sheepishly, tugging at the bottom of your shirt to give yourself something to do, something to distract yourself with.

"Don't do that, you'll be fine," Paul grabs onto your hand, stopping your fussing. He keeps a hold of your hands, a contemplative look crossing his face. After a moment, he laces your fingers together, pulling you along behind him towards the house. You couldn't help the blush that heats your cheeks, tightening your hold on Paul's warm hand as he leads you along.

Behind you, you can hear the crunching of gravel, and you turn around to see Embry walking behind you, staring at your intertwined hands with a dopey grin on his face.

The look left a fluttery feeling in your stomach, one that you always felt around Embry as your crush on him grew. Sticking your other hand out behind you, you wiggle your fingers towards him, smiling brightly when he took three long strides to reach your side, sliding his hand into yours.

"You're right, I will be fine, 'cuz I have you two."

I hate how long it takes to format a tumblr post, otherwise these would be coming out a lot faster

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I hate how long it takes to format a tumblr post, otherwise these would be coming out a lot faster. But alas, my laziness wins once again.

𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝘼 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙙   ━━  Embry x Reader x PaulWhere stories live. Discover now