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You wake up to the sun shining in your eyes, disorienting you as you squeeze your eyes shut. The walk to your room is a blur, half asleep as you stumbled up the stairs. Your bag is sitting at the foot of the bed, laying on top of the covers in the clothes you were wearing the night before.

When you look over to the nightstand you notice your phone sitting face down in front of your alarm clock, which reads 27 minutes before its set to go off. While the thought of going back to sleeps is very tempting, you know that if you go back to sleep now, you won't wake up in time for school.

With a heavy sigh, you drag yourself out of bed to get ready for school. The extra time you have allows you to move at your own pace, responding to the good morning messages in the group chat.

They have quickly become a normal thing, and while you know its mostly them just worried about the now two vampires in Forks, they've become something you look foreword to.

As you move to put your phone down, movement from your left draws your attention away from the screen. It was hard to see since it was just barely in your line of sight, but you could have sworn you saw a large shadow outside your window.

Another shadow passes, and this time, you're able to pick out the distinct shape of a tree branch as it shifts across your walls. You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding, body sagging in relief. As you turn to your wardrobe to try and find something to wear, you don't notice the original shadow drop down from the second-story window, disappearing into the woods behind your house.

 As you turn to your wardrobe to try and find something to wear, you don't notice the original shadow drop down from the second-story window, disappearing into the woods behind your house

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By the time you get to school, the sun is shining brighter than ever, not a cloud in sight. Many students are lingering around outside as you step off the bus, the parking lot alive with conversation.

You weave around the many groups of students, wanting to get inside and out of the open as fast as possible. As your hands wrap around the sun-warmed handle, a voice calls out to you. It's quiet, one you hadn't heard in a long while, but recognized instantly.

You turned around to watch Bella Swan as she tried to catch up to you. Her old group of friends watch her curiously as she makes her way through the crowd of students. Their surprise is justified, you think, since they haven't heard her speak since the vanishing of the Cullens. She seems to be doing better though, you remember seeing her sitting with them at lunch the day before.

"Hey, Bella," You say once she's in front of you, not knowing what else to say to the girl. You've never spoken in the short time she had returned to Forks. There was the odd time you would help her pick up her things when she knocked them over, but it was never more then a quiet "thank you" before she was scurrying away.

"Can I talk to you? For a minute?" Bella replies, slightly out of breath. From this close-up, you can see the ever-growing bags under Bella's eyes, making her look even more sickly than her pale skin did. Though hesitant, you agree, following after Bella as she leads you towards the tree line, away from your gossip-hungry classmates.

𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝘼 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙙   ━━  Embry x Reader x PaulWhere stories live. Discover now