PewDieCry- Tampered With

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I yelled at him..

Made him sad..

I didn't mean to..

Then it ended..

He ended it..

So many nights we spent together cuddling on the couch, so many dates we went on, so many words we said, the feelings we felt, all wasted. He didn't love me, he said so. He told me how stupid and needy I was.. Told me how much he hated me.. I didn't expect him to say any of what he did. I didn't expect it.. and he didn't expect what I did.. I moved back in with Marzia and she was happy... I faked being happy.. I missed him.. Missed my Cry.. I thought about running back to him, apologizing... begging for him to forgive me for being a complete ass, but them I remember what he said. Remember what happened..

Cry and I were getting ready to go to a party, when Cry and I get into a nasty fight over... hell... I don't even remember.. That tells you how important it was..

Cry and I barely speak on the way to the party and when we arrive Cry leaves my side to go find some of his friends. I wander, trying really hard to enjoy myself, but failing. I stand in a corner, staring at my hands when a girl comes up to me.

"What's a cute guy like you doing all alone?" She says with a slight accent. I open my mouth to tell her I have a boyfriend when she leans in and smashes my lips with hers. I try to push her away, but am too late as I see Cry walk into the room I'm in, instantly spotting me.

Cry stands a few feet away from me and tears rush into his eyes.

"Pewds..... I hate you..." Cry whispers and starts to walk away as I push the random girl who had kissed me off.

"Cry! I... I didn't! Please believe me!" I rush after Cry through the large crowd of people and grab his arm. "Cry! Please!" Cry shakes me off and walks out mumbling something only I could hear "We're done."

I cry as I remember what happened, then just as suddenly stop as I hear Marzia come home.

"Felix! I'm home!" She says in a thick Italian accent.

I wipe my face and look in the mirror in the bathroom, making sure I don't look like I've been crying, then I exit the bathroom and head to the living room to see Marzia and a familiar girl.

"Hey. This is my friend. I thought it'd be fun to do a makeup video with her." The girl smiles at me and I suddenly realize why she's familiar. She kissed me at the party.

" You! What are you doing here?!" The girl looks down and Marzia frowns.

"Felix. She's my friend. Don't be rude." Marzia looks at the girl and smiles. "Come on! Let's go do our makeup!" Marzia heads to her room, the girl following slowly, stopping by me and looking up at my face.

"Marzia made me..." She whispers, then wanders to find Marzia.

I stand there, frozen. I grow angry and grab my wallet, passport, keys, and pack a bag of clothes. I head out the door, slamming it behind me and rush to the airport. I need to tell Cry!

-Time skip-

I arrive in front of Cry's house and knock on the door hesitantly. I wonder if he'll forgive me.. I wonder if he'll take me back.. I wonder if he'll believe me..

The door opens after a few minutes to reveal a broken Cry. Cry looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

"P....pewds?.... What are yo-...."

"It wasn't me Cry.... She had kissed me before you came in and I tried to push her away... I swear it wasn't me.. Marzia set it up... It was her friend... Cry... I... I'm sorry... I understand if you don't believe me, but I never met to do or look like I did anything to ever hurt you.. I would never hurt you.." I mumble quickly, not putting any space in between my words. Cry stands and looks at me with broken eyes. I nod slowly and look down at my feet.

"I'll go now..." I say, but Cry grabs my arm gently.

"P....Pewdie?" I look at Cry, tears in my eyes.


"I forgive you.. " He whispers and pulls me into a giant hug that I instantly return and we stay like that for a while just enjoying the closeness after so long.

"I love you Cry.."

"I love you too Pewds."

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